This page was last updated Di 04 April 2023.

Contents: Tours (12)    Sites (4)   

Reports by Karl Brodowsky

All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.


Radtour von Mora nach Nautesund
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started July 2011, submitted 24 December 2013
language: de

Tandem and solo bicycle tour with three, later four participants from Oslo in Norway to Mora in Sweden and then all over the Scandinavian mountains to the Norwegian fjord coast.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Old Tjikko, the oldest tree in the world, seen during this tour
Nordnorwegen: Finnmark, Lofoten & Vesterålen
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started July 2012, submitted 22 April 2013
language: de

Nine week bicycle tour tour with different travel plans for all 6 participants: Finland - Kirkenes - North Cape - Tromsø - Lofoten - Tromsø - Bodø - Östersund - Mora - Oslo

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

North Cape Glob
Gotland 2010
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started July 2010, submitted 22 April 2013
language: de

Bicycle tour on the Swedish island Gotland with tent, with a lot of sightseeing. Some part on the main land and on Öland for connecting the railroad station of Kalmar with the ferry ports.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Trondheim - Oslo (mehrtägig)
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started July 2007, submitted 6 November 2011
language: de

Fahrradtour durch Norwegen und Schweden von Trondheim nach Oslo 2007-07-18 - 2007-08-06

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Von Årnes nach Trondheim
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started July 2008, submitted 6 November 2011
language: de

Fahrradtour durch Norwegen und Schweden von Årnes bei Oslo nach Trondheim 2008-07-12 - 2008-08-10

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Durch Sahara und Regenwald: Von Bodø nach Bergen
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started July 2009, submitted 6 November 2011
language: de

Fahrradtour entlang der norwegischen Küste und durch das Fjordland von Bodø nach Bergen

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Svartisen-Gletscher reicht fast bis zum Fjord
East Prussia, Suwalki & Lithuania - A Winter Journey through Central Europe
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started November 2003

Within nine days including the train to the area where I am cycling and back a lot can be done. Relatively soon the decision had been made not to go to Scandinavia and so this came out to be an opportunity to see some of the eastern parts of Central Europe, for example Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland or the Baltic states. Off course I was especially interested in seeing East Prussia and its southern (Polish) parts, where my ancestors had lived. It seemed possible to combine this with a visit to Lithuania. Off course East Prussia had been known for its extremely cold winters and it is known that Lithuania is even further to the north and east, so probably at least not warmer. And November is already belonging to the winter in these areas. On the other hand I had done quite a few bicycle tours during the winter in Germany. And the real winter months in East Prussia are more like December, January and February, while November is more like the kind of winter that I know from areas further to the south and to the west. Off course it is a good idea to have a thermos can in the luggage and to fill it with hot tea or coffee. On the other hand I did took neither a tent nor a sleeping bag, but traveled with rather light luggage.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Tandemtour von den Bergen in die Stadt
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started September 2003
language: de

Nachdem ich schon mit Heidrun eine kleine Alpentour gemacht hatte, waren nun auch meine Söhne Bernhard und Ulrich damit an der Reihe. Weil Bernhard mit seinem eigenen Fahrrad fahren würde, suchten wir uns eine Route aus, die schöne Aussichten auf die Alpen bietet, aber doch nicht die großen Pässe enthält. Merkwürdigerweise gibt es zwischen Zürich und dem Rheintal bei Sargans ein Tal, das über gar keine Paßhöhe zu verlaufen scheint, sondern zwischen den Bergen hindurch auf fast konstanter Höhe bleibt. Vom Zug aus sah dieses Tal nun auch noch immer recht schön aus und da bot es sich an, von Chur aus in dieser Richtung zu fahren. Der Ursprung dieses Tals war wohl einmal ein Gletscherverlauf im Rheintal, der sich während der Eiszeit bei Sargans teilte. Natürlich waren auch Überlegungen im Raum, vielleicht auch den einen oder anderen Paß zu überqueren, aber letztlich entschieden wir uns doch für eine einfache Strecke.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Tandemtour über die Alpen
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started August 2003
language: de

So eine diffuse Idee war also schon geboren, irgendwie von Chur über den Oberalppaß und den Gotthardpaß nach Airolo oder so zu fahren. Der spannende Teil war nun, wie man das Tandem hinbekommt. Natürlich nehmen in der Schweiz fast alle Züge Fahrräder mit, aber es gibt oft dafür solche Haken im Eingangsbereich der Wagen, die sich für Tandems weniger eignen als für normale Fahrräder. Aber man kann es ja versuchen, notfalls hätten wir kurzfristig umdisponiert.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started July 2002
language: en, de

It has become some kind of a family tradition to go on a big bicycle tour every summer. But this time we did add some enhancements to our usual plans. Bernhard had already been cycling on our previous tour, when we toured Gotland in the year 2001. But this was in a way the first time with slightly longer daily distances and in areas that could not be called totally flat. Our popular starting point of earlier years in Gothenburg was replaced by Oslo for this tour. This was worth a try, because it brought us closer to the areas we intended to visit and it gave us the opportunity to see different places as soon as the tour started. The clear disadvantage of Oslo is that it is kind of tough to find a legal and good way out of the city, especially when traveling to the east, as we did. And it adds a slightly longer and more expensive ferry trip from Kiel to Oslo. But on the other hand, after having done the ugly traffic of the Oslo area on the first day, things should get nicer at least from the second day onwards and we could see more of Norway.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Family Bike Tour in Sweden and Norway
by Karl Brodowsky, tour started July 1994
language: de, en

Karl and Karin travel with two children (age 3 and 1) in trailers. Now who was talking about ``anchors''...

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

Cycling from the Baltic Sea to the Alps
by Karl Brodowsky
language: en, de, se

From the cycling pages of Karl Brodowsky: see the German Version for plenty of interesting reports in German.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky


English cycling pages of Karl Brodowsky
by Karl Brodowsky

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

German cycling pages of Karl Brodowsky
by Karl Brodowsky
language: de

plenty of interesting reports in German

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

by Karl Brodowsky
language: de

Useful information about bicycling in general, policy, bicycle paths, safety and dangers, and links.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky

by Karl Brodowsky
language: de

A massive travel site, this guy has been everywhere.

Hier finden sich einige deutschsprachige Reiseberichte von Fahrradtouren, die hoffentlich unterhaltsam und informativ sind, aber auch vielleicht die eine oder andere Anregung für Leute geben, die selber einmal so etwas machen wollen. Für englischsprachige Radtourenberichte habe ich hier auch einen Anfang gemacht, ebenso für schwedischsprachige Radtourenberichte, wobei noch ein bißchen auf norwegisch und dänisch dabei ist, aber diese drei skaninavischen Sprachen sind so ähnlich, daß man entweder alle drei ein bißchen lesen kann oder eben keine davon.

See all 16 reports by Karl Brodowsky