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Italy (all)

This page lists all reports that for Italy including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Italy.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.

Tours (continued)

europa tour
by Claudia and Thomas, tour started April 2008, submitted 10 December 2008
language: en, fr est le site de l'association ``Vélo pour nous, vélo pour vous'', qui à pour but de promouvoir la pratique du vélo.

Entre autres, il raconte les voyages en vélo de ses adhèrents, et pas seulement...

Une grande partie est dédié au voyage de Claudia et Thomas autour d'Europe. Leur but est de faire un inventaire de la culture du vélo en Europe. Des jolis photos et un impressionant carnet de bord vous attend à les découvrir...

Vom Reschenpaß zum Gardasee
by Olaf, tour started September 2008, submitted 30 November 2008
Europe: Italy
language: de

Mit dem Rad unterwegs während der Apfelernte im schönen Etschtal

Von Meran in die Radmetrole Bozen, dann 'rüber zum Gardasee.

Bei Traumwetter ließen wir uns über den See schippern.

Die Abschlußetappe führte uns noch nach Brescia.

See all 4 reports by Olaf

Radweg im Etschtal
by Alberto Pedrotti, submitted 16 October 2008
language: it

Nascondo il bagaglio presso il monumento che ricorda l'eccidio nazista di Kalavrita, che è un po' la Sant'Anna di Stazzema del Peloponneso [347], e per la prima volta mi godo dunque qualche km scarico. A cinque anni esatti di distanza dal 29 agosto 2003 in cui scoprii questa affascinante montagna, mi ritrovo dunque a calcare i 2341 metri del monte Helmos o Aroania [348], terza vetta della penisola dopo il Taigeto e il Cillene. Quest'ultimo è vicino e ben visibile, con il suo ampio costone sul quale Ercole si sedette a suonare le nacchere di bronzo per scacciare gli uccelli della palude Stimfalia... Quella fatica - la sesta - fu anche l'ultima che l'eroe portò a termine nel «piccolo mondo» del Peloponneso; per le altre sei avrebbe dovuto aprirsi al «grande mondo» - il Mediterraneo e anche oltre - spaziando dal Caucaso, dove si impadroní della cintura di Ippolita, fino là dove il Sole va ogni giorno con il suo cocchio a riposare, sul lontano Atlante marocchino, dove colse i pomi delle Espèridi.

See all 6 reports by Alberto Pedrotti

Cycling out of Bormio - covering the Stelvio, Umbrail, Mortirolo, Gavia and Foscagno passes
by Allan Nelson, tour started September 2008, submitted 6 October 2008

An account of a weeks bike trip to the Italian Alps (Bormio), (and a bit of Switzerland) in September 2008.

The legend that is the Passo Stelvio had been on my itinerary for a few years. Between us, we'd expanded that to include the equally legendary Mortirolo and Gavia passes, and anything else we'd regard as a bonus!

Includes a daily ride report and route maps, plus loads of pictures of each days ride in the gallery section.

See all 5 reports by Allan Nelson

Looking towards the Stelvio summit - Simon and Leah attempt to cycle around the world
by Simon Green & Leah Ingham, tour started 2004, submitted 3 October 2008

Lost in the Seses.
Blackness you could touch. No moon to guide us. No bike lights only Simon's tiny maglite. The road was barely a path, which pinged and cracked as we cycled along it. Simon held the torch in his mouth, and its light wound a curving trail on our ''road.'' Several times we almost crashed into one another. Mumbled curses firing from Simon, unable to release the full volley for fear of dropping his light. Undoubtedly, this was to my advantage and I was able to retaliate with much vitriol, winding him up even more.

Moonrise over the Nile. Abri.
Project VELAIA - A VELosophers epic journey around gAIA
by Daniel N. Lang, tour started 2007, submitted 6 September 2008
language: en, de

This is the website and travelogue of The Project VELAIA. 22 year old velosopher, environmentalist and often minimalistic outdoor adventurer Daniel N. Lang has decided to go around the world by recumbent and upright bicycle after finishing an epic journey of more than 17.000km from Paris to Beijing as a rider of the Beijing to Paris 2007 Carfree Rallye, following coastlines for hundreds of kilometers, crossing deserts during mid summer in the Middle East, Central Asia and China and climbing some of the highest passes of the world under extreme conditions in the starting Tibetan winter.

After Eurasia he cycled Australia, New Zealand and the United States and is now on a tour through the South American Andes, starting in Caracas, Venezuela and cycling his way down to Chile at the time of writing this (beginning of September 2008).

See all 2 reports by Daniel N. Lang

Cycling on a StreetMachine GT recumbent on 4500m in Tibet
First Irish circumnavigation of the globe by bicycle
by Fearghal & Simon, tour started October 2008, submitted 28 August 2008

This November, Simon Evans and Fearghal O'Nuallain will begin the first Irish circumnavigation of the globe by bicycle. Their unsupported expedition will cover over 30,000km, passing through 30 countries and some of the highest, lowest, driest, coldest, warmest and loneliest places on earth. In doing so, they will be promoting the positive contribution that cycling can make to mental health and the environment, raising 100,000 euro for Aware and highlighting climate change.

from Bassano to Vienna
by Fabio Ferronato, tour started August 2008, submitted 19 August 2008
Europe: Italy, Austria

Cycling from Bassano (Venice) to Vienna. Google maps + gps tracking files included.

See all 9 reports by Fabio Ferronato

bicyclists dream kilometers in Southern Tyrol
by Iris Mueck, tour started July 2008, submitted 8 July 2008
Europe: Austria, Italy

See all 119 reports by Iris Mueck

bicyclists dream kilometers in Southern Tyrol
Day Rides in Northern Tuscany
by Kirby James, tour started April 2008, submitted 28 June 2008
Europe: Italy

These pages describe a series of day rides based around Lucca in Northern Tuscany. The rides visit

  • Diecimo
  • Bagni di Lucca
  • Collodi
  • Castelnuovo di Gafangnana
  • Isola Santa
  • Galleria del Cipollaio
  • Forte dei Marni
  • Marina di Pietrasanta, and
  • Camaiore

See all 6 reports by Kirby James

Cyclists in Lucca's Via Fillungo
Around the world by bike
by David Piper, tour started 2008, submitted 27 June 2008

A collection of tours that will eventually link up as a global circumnavigation. Fast riding with little luggage.

Bassano (Venice area) to Zurich by bike
by Fabio Ferronato, tour started June 2008, submitted 19 June 2008

Cycling from Bassano (Venice) to Zurich, passing Ofenpass, Flüelapass and Albulapass. Google maps + gps tracking files included.

See all 9 reports by Fabio Ferronato

Closing to Bergün and Albulapass
Alto Adige, Friuli e Cadore
by Alberto Pedrotti, tour started July 2004, submitted 4 June 2008
Europe: Italy
language: it

Un percorso alla scoperta delle Alpi Orientali che combina in maniera piuttosto equa bicicletta ed escursionismo in montagna.

See all 6 reports by Alberto Pedrotti

Bike tour report Bassano-Munich May 2008
by Fabio Ferronato, tour started May 2008, submitted 23 May 2008

Cycle tour report from Bassano (70 km from Venice) to Munich.
This time I include a google map with the GPS tracks :-)

See all 9 reports by Fabio Ferronato

One of the nice bike ways around Bolzano
Via dei Saraceni
by Mummu, tour started July 2008, submitted 3 April 2008
Europe: Italy
language: it

Via dei Saraceni: 12 (junior) e 13 luglio (senior) 2008, tracciato di Salice d'Ulzio (Souze d'Oux).

Competizione aperta a tutti, professionisti e non. 38 km con un dislivello totale di 1050 metri quasi completamente su sterrato.

Partendo dal centro di Sauze D'Oulx ci si inoltra all'interno del Parco Naturale del Gran Bosco di Salbertrand; attraversando un fitto bosco di conifere si giunge sulla strada più alta d'Europa tra la cresta spartiacque che divide la Valle di Susa dalla Valle Chisone. Questo è il tratto più impegnativo, con una salita di 15 km che permette di raggiungere la vetta del monte Genevris a quota 2540 mt. Arrivo in leggera salita.

Via dei Saraceni
by Conrad Philipp, tour started March 2005, submitted 31 March 2008
Europe: Italy
language: de

Während unserer zweiwöchigen Tour sind wir mehr als 1200 km gefahren und konnten die Insel einmal umrunden. Zudem war Sardinien deutlich welliger als wir vorher gedacht hätten, was für die 12.000 zurück gelegten Höhenmeter spricht. Das Wetter war sehr angenhem: kein Regen, viel Sonne und nur teilweise Gegenwind. Zudem war die Landschaft sehr abwechslungsreich. Von Traumstränden bis zu Gebirgspässen war alles dabei.

See all 17 reports by Conrad Philipp

International Cycle Traveling, solo and self contained
by Peter Davis, tour started 2008, submitted 31 March 2008

I'm at one of those grave intellectual impasses that have been known to bring even greater minds than my own to a standstill. I have an orphan sock. Trivia, you say. Ha! I think not.

The cause of this problem is surely the work of that Slovakian KGB Agent, foolishly disguised as a laundress in Svolen. She stole it, I'm sure. Probably for a DNA sample to impress her superiors in Bratislava. They've been following my every move since the kustoms agent in Warsaw asked me the purpose of my visit to Poland. When I answered ``vacation'' the disbelief on his face gave him away. What, doesn't anyone go to Poland on vacation?

But back to the real problem, the orphan sock. The purists among cycle tourists would say, ``Throw it away, it's excess baggage. And while you're at it, cut three inches off that over-long toothbrush handle.'' But the Calvinist in me says, ``Save it. It's a good sock, nearly new.'' I've already reduced the weight of my baggage by losing its mate. Maybe I'll lose another and be back to even and lighter still.

See all 2 reports by Peter Davis

Gerloss Pass, Austria 2006
Nordkapp-Lignano Sabbiadoro
by, tour started August 2008, submitted 20 March 2008
language: en, it, de

Hi everybody, we are 8 students of Udine's University and we will across Europe with a bikecycle. We will start on 08 of August from Nordkapp and after 24 days we will arrive in Lignano Sabbiadoro. We will link the north pole with the Adriatic Sea. Our project is with the Sponsorship of our University. We will meet a lot of students about the University that we will find along our tour. So for more information you can ask at info [at] noborderbiking [dot] com and visit our website .
[Email address obscured to fool spam trawlers. Ed.]

first bike training on Pagnacco (Udine) Italy
de carabanchel a pekin en bicicleta
by david barrionuevo, tour started June 2008, submitted 12 March 2008
language: es

Un viaje en bicicleta siguiendo los paises que rodean el mar mediterraneo, hasta turquia, y paso de georgia y azerbayan saltando el mar caspio a kajhastan y desde alli hasta los juegos olimpicos de pekin 08, atravesando uzbekistan, kyrsjystan y china desde el oeste hacia el este, un viaje de 6 meses de duracion que acaba de comenzar y se puede seguir en la pagina web un viaje en solitario recorriendo la antigua ruta de la seda y como fin unos juegos olimpicos, que viento nos empuje en nuestras pedaladas!

Bicycle World Tour
by Eric Wehrheim, tour started June 2005, submitted 18 January 2008
language: en, de, sp, ko

This is our second big trip with bicycle. It just started 1998 from Germany over Africa up to Asia with the destination South Korea (2000). Now, again on the road, we are travelling by bicycle in South America. We are since 06/2005 again on the road.

Dies ist nun schon unsere zweite grosse Radtour. Es begann 1998 in Deutschland mit dem Weg nach Suedkorea und einem Abstecher in Afrika. Nun, seit 06/2005, sind wir mit unseren Raedern in Suedamerika unterwegs.

See all 2 reports by Eric Wehrheim

Mun Suk & Eric with her bicycles
Swiss Alps, Italian Coast, Greek Islands, Turkish Hills
by Martin Jost, tour started 2007, submitted 1 January 2008
language: en, de

Crossing the Swiss Alps to Venice, along the Adriatic coast to Greece; island hopping on Corfu, Crete, Santorini, Naxos, Samos; and finally following Turkey's Mediterranean coast to Antlaya.

[Picture at deleted, it tries to set a cookie. Ed.]

Bicycle tour in Italy - Tuscany, Umbria
by Glen and Margaret Netherwood, tour started October 2007, submitted 25 November 2007
Europe: Italy

Our bicycle tour in Italy started on October 6, 2007 with our arrival in Rome. After sightseeing in Rome we took the train to Orvieto and cycled up the hill to our first overnight stop. Over the next 3 weeks we cycled across Umbria and Tuscany. If you are planning a similar bicycle tour you will find a lot of useful information in our detailed trip Itinerary, day-by-day Trip Report, and the collection of Practical Tips. If you would like to see the beauty of cycling in Italy do not miss the Best Photos. You may also be interested in our recommendations for the best places to see, stay and eat in Top 5.

See all 6 reports by Glen and Margaret Netherwood

Monti Sibillini National Park, Piano Grande, Umbria
Sardinia 2007
by Nick Taylor, tour started October 2007, submitted 2 November 2007
Europe: Italy

A six-day circular tour around the island of Sardinia. 619km cycled, stopping over in Fertilia, Stintino, Oschiri, Cala Gonone, Lanusei, Macomer and final destination Alghero.

Copious amounts of strenuous uphill pedalling, plenty of long speedy descents and hairpins, amazing scenery along coasts and through many ridges and mountains. Wonderful welcomes and hospitality from the locals, and some quirky, but lovely, local culinary specialities.

Despite the need for extra effort, Sardinia is strongly recommended!

See all 7 reports by Nick Taylor

Nuraghe: ancient towers punctuating Sardinia's ``flatter'' regions
Planète.d - 2 French, a tandem, and a camera around the world
by Delphine Million & Damien Artero, tour started April 2006, submitted 21 October 2007
language: en, es, de, fr

Planète D. is our volunteering and filming world tour on the tandem bike. It's that simple.

We cycle.
We film, edit and share videos.
We volunteer for NGOs.

D1 and D2 on Buzzz
The Lonely Cyclist in the Alps
by Erik Nomden, tour started July 2007, submitted 20 October 2007
language: en, nl

A new cycle journey. I want to cycle from Vienna to Nice, a complete crossing of the Alps from east to west. Then I have to cycle a bit further to Avignon. The idea is to zigzag as much as possible to fit in as much exciting backroads and extraordinary landscapes as possible. Jeroen van Meijgaarden will join me the first two weeks. Then I will be on my own to complete the crossing of the Alps.

See all 19 reports by Erik Nomden

My bicycle is posing before the Mont Blanc
Friuli - Slovenija - Kärnten - Salzburgerland - Tirol
by Patrick Schleppi, tour started July 2007, submitted 2 October 2007
language: fr, en, de

Une jolie traversée des Alpes orientales entre l'Italie et l'Autriche, avec un petit crochet par la Slovénie et un passage par le parc national autrichien de Nockalm. En passant par des cols souvent raides, même si pas tous très élevés.

A nice tour crossing the eastern Alps between Italy and Austria, including a small part in Slovenia and the Austrian national park of Nockalm. Riding over passes, many of them steep even if not very high.

Eine schöne Überquerung der östlichen Alpen zwischen Italien und Österreich, mit einem kleinen Schlenker über Slowenien und die Fahrt durch den österreichischen Nockalm Nationalpark. Die Pässe auf dem Weg waren oft steil, auch wenn nicht besonders hoch.

See all 6 reports by Patrick Schleppi

Predil pass, view towards Strmec, left in the back Mount Jalovec
Bikerfab - travels and trips by bicycle
by Fabio Mannino, submitted 24 September 2007
language: it, en

Il ciclismo è sofferenza. Il premio è la cima di una montagna o una città a 2000km da casa. Se questo premio vi sembra adeguato allora la domanda ``ma chi te lo fa fare ?'' ha già una risposta. Se non vi sembra abbastanza, semplicemente non potete capire chi pedala.

Cycling is suffering. The prize is the top of a mountain or a city 2000km far from home. If this prize seems you enough, then the question ``why do you do that ?'' already has an answer. If you don't find it enough, you just cannot understand cyclists.

Missile ucraino davanti ad una stazione di servizio in Polonia - Ukrainian rocket in front of a fuel station in Poland
Viaggi in tutto il mondo. In auto, a piedi ma soprattutto in bicicletta.
by Corradini Leonardo, tour started 2007, submitted 11 September 2007
language: it

Sono rimasto stregato dalla bellezza della Terra durante le lunghe camminate effettuate nelle ``mie'' Alpi o i brevi sentieri percorsi tra le migliaia di cascate del parco di Plitvice in Croazia. Ho avuto la sensazione di poter rallentare lo scorrere del tempo nelle interminabili giornate in sella alla mia amata bicicletta, percorrendo le strade sterrate nel mezzo della pampa patagonica così come salendo e scendendo per le dolci colline toscane e siciliane. Ho anche imparato ad apprezzare la capacità, l'ingegno ed il genio artistico umani, visitando alcune splendide capitali europee, la vivace Rio de Janeiro, le caotiche San Paolo, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, la surreale Las Vegas e la inarrivabile New York.

Tutto questo cerco di raccontare nelle pagine del mio sito web.

See all 2 reports by Corradini Leonardo

Melbourne, tramonto infuocato sulla citta`.
Dolomites in September
by Igor Kovse, tour started September 2007, submitted 11 September 2007

At about 2000 m there is a turn off to a guesthouse from where I had a sight of the last 20 turns - like a rope twisted on a steep mountain wall with the top disappearing in snow mist.

See all 18 reports by Igor Kovse

The top of the passo Giovo snow storm
Across Mediterranean Europe (2005)
by Bartek Zdanowicz and Ewa Zawadzka, tour started June 2005, submitted 8 August 2007

The page contains travelogues and pictures from a number of bike trips across Europe, Ontario (Canada) as well as Kansai and Kanto regions of Japan. The trip across European continent has entries written from the road and together with photos it provides the description of the trip day by day. The trips across Japan give a lot of information about local areas (places to camp, onsens, roads, what to see, etc.) as well as many photos. There is also some general information on cycling, wild camping and hiking in Japan. Hope it will help.

Cabo de Gata, Andalucia, Spain
I più bei percorsi per l'extreme bike
by Manu, tour started 2007, submitted 6 August 2007
Europe: Italy
language: it

Info pratiche su dove fare downhill, freeride, cross in Italia con segnalazione di 4 percorsi per l'estate: Oropa, Livigno, Pila e soprattutto Val di Sole sede dei mondiali di downhill 2008. Anticipazioni sui mondiali Mtb 2007 e 2008.

Venice to Rome by Bike
by Gene Nacey, tour started May 2007, submitted 6 August 2007
Europe: Italy
language: en, it

This was written as a ``Daily Blog'' of my bike trip from Venice to Rome. I had taken some Italian Courses at the University of Pittsburgh, and made friends with various Italians on the internet through an instant message program called SKYPE. I recruited my Italian Teacher to drive a support car, and I rode my bike. I was able to meet with 4 different people/families that I met online in my quest to learn the language and experience the ``real culture'' of the country. There are MANY pictures, and also quite a few VIDEOS of this trip. All links to photos and videos can be found on the index page. There is also a separate page for each day of the journey - my daily ``diary'' of surprises, delights, frustrations, and revelations. Even though I had only cycled in Italy before with organized cycling groups, I had an amazing trip doing this one alone. I am in the process of translating each day's blog into Italian, and eventually I'll try to post each day's road notes or route as well.

See all 3 reports by Gene Nacey

Drying Out in Orvieto
Venice-Amsterdam by bike
by Fabio Ferronato, tour started July 2007, submitted 25 July 2007

Cycling from Venice to Amsterdam in 8 days.
Got a loooooooot of rain !!!
Photos of nice landscapes, houses and not DNA-manipulated cows !!! :-)

See all 9 reports by Fabio Ferronato

Paris Peking 2007 Carfree - Celebrating Better Mobility
by Daniel N. Lang, tour started April 2007, submitted 24 July 2007
language: en, de

As a rider of the Beijing to Paris 2007 Carfree rallye to celebrate better, carfree mobility (see, I am riding in the opposite direction from Paris to Beijing.

I try to get in contact with local cycling culture as much as I can and to spread peace over the world!

The bike I am undertaking this tour with is a recumbent touring bike equipped with high quality components. So far (end of July 07) I haven't had a single technical defect!

See all 2 reports by Daniel N. Lang

Chambord castle in France (beginning of the tour)
Tour of the Alps 2007
by Piaw Na, tour started June 2007, submitted 20 July 2007

A lightweight tour of the Swiss, Italian, and Austrian alps, 1501km, 33047m of climbing, and several passes.

See all 17 reports by Piaw Na

On top of Grosse Scheidegg
by Hubert Becker, tour started June 2007, submitted 19 July 2007
Europe: Italy
language: de

Eine anspruchsvolle Radrundtour auf Sardinien in 13 Tagesetappen über insgesamt 1126 km, Tagesetappen zwischen 60 und 110 Kilometern.

See all 29 reports by Hubert Becker

Wild pigs near Genna Silana
North-central Italy tour
by Caleb Schiff, tour started May 2007, submitted 15 July 2007
Europe: Italy

In May, 2007, I spent 15 days cycling in north-central Italy and covered about 1600 km (990 miles). I cannot understate how great the trip was and I suggest anyone who is eager for culture, amazing food, adventure, and a physical and mental challenge to follow in my tracks. Wine-lovers will also find this route especially pleasing.

The route begins and ends at Milan Centrale train station, providing an easy connection to the rest of Europe. Overall, the trip was flawless with only one flat tire. The route would be best suited for anyone who wants to cover lots of miles and see the main sights of north-central Italy (e.g. Venice, Tuscany, Cinque Terre, and Langhe/Roero). Although my trip was great, I would make some changes, and these are suggested below. I've briefly described the route and sights for each day. Please feel free to contact me for more specific information and advice (

A Journey from Cotton mill to Colosseum
by Ben Daly, tour started September 2006, submitted 11 July 2007

This is my first bike journey. I visited many places, and saw many things. I hope it inspires you to get on two wheels, instead of doing the usual airline-backpacker thing.

The best road in Provence
wish tour (world bicycle tour) photos and stories from a bicycle tour around the world
by Rick Gunn, tour started July 2007, submitted 8 July 2007

Welcome to the Wish Tour!

Below you will find the photos and journal from a two-year, 20,000-mile bicycle journey around the world.

Starting in July 2005, this journal will take readers across the United States, Europe, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.

The journey began more than 20 years ago, as the seeds of a dream to circumnavigate the globe were cultivated from a deeply personal and painful experience.

[Absolutely stunning pictures.]

Sella Ronda Bike Day: tour dei passi delle Dolomiti
by, tour started July 2007, submitted 6 July 2007
Europe: Italy
language: it

Info, mappa del percorso, foto dell'edizione 2006 e link intorno al famoso Sella Ronda bike day, che segue un tour dei passi dolomitici (Passo Pordoi, Passo Sella, Passo Gardena e Passo Campolongo).

See all 2 reports by

Foto ufficiale Sella Ronda bike day

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