This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.

News archive:

9 June 2017 I am very sorry to report that the Tour Submission link was broken, and for a few days all submissions were lost. It appears that a hoster OS update broke the submission spam filter (I get tons of spam). It's now recompiled and works again. Please resubmit any submissions that you didn't see appear on this page. Sorry about the inconvenience!
6 September 2012 Your maintainer will be on a tour in a country without mobile networks or, in fact, any kind of Internet access, for a few weeks. I'll add new submissions as quickly as I can. Thanks for your patience!
14 April 2012 Your maintainer will be travelling for a while himself, so new submissions may be a little slow getting published for a while. I'll try to catch up whenever possible.
17 October 2010 Trentobike's database back-end server has died, of course while I was traveling and unable to fix it... It's now back on a new server now.Also, I have discontinued the voting feature. By comparing the IP addresses of voters and authors, it seems clear that most votes were for, and possibly also from, a single author and are not legitimate. I may restore voting when I find a way to control abuse.
14 August 2010 Please do not rate up your own pages. I just had to blacklist an Austrian provider.
23 May 2010 A few hundred ratings are in, and although no single entry has reached ten votes yet, the results are shown on all pages. It seems a little early to show best-of lists though. Patience...
19 January 2010 Added a rating feedback panel to each report. If you liked a report and would like to recommend it, please give it a high rating! Currently your votes are only recorded, but when there are enough votes to become significant, highly rated reports will move up in the list.

I use my home server to record the IP address, date, and rating of each vote; this lets my script find duplicates. None of this information will be used for any other purpose, or be given to anyone.

8 December 2009 I am finally back home after ten weeks in Asia. All the missing pictures are now rescaled and installed. Back to business as usual! Thanks for everyone's patience.
3 November 2009 New reports may be a little slow showing up on Trento Bike recently because I am currently traveling. In particular, picture URLs that do not point to pictures, or point to pictures that are too large, won't be listed. When I return sometime in December, I'll download, resize, and re-host all the missing pictures as usual. Greetings from Indonesia!
18 May 2009 Your moderator is back after two months of travelling in China, Tibet, Nepal, and India - but cycling only locally, because I am not as brave as some contributors to this forum who have crossed the Himalayas by bicycle, illegally. The submission backlog is finished. Thanks for your patience!
16 March 2009 I will be out of town for a long vacation. During that time, new reports may be be slow to appear on Trento Bike because I won't be near Internet cafes all the time.
23 May 2008 The submission form was broken between May 5 and May 23, 2008, due to a missed update after a DNS change. If you tried to submit a report during that period and got a CGI error, my apologies, please resubmit!
24 May 2007 Added a Tips section for nongeographical information: bicycle maintenance, riding, packing lists, bicycle fora...
18 March 2007 There is now an RSS feed for Trento Bike. To subscribe, follow the instructions above.
13 March 2007 I am told that Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 is very slow loading Trento Bike pages. The reason appears to be that IE7 is very poor at loading images from many sites simultaneously; typical pages on Trento Bike contain about 40 images. I am working on a solution; in the meantime try turning off image loading or use Firefox.
3 December 2006 Added a new continents page that lists all tours on two or more continents, and a whole world page that lists all tours on five or more continents.
19 August 2006 The country pages are now available in two forms: one that lists all tours that are either in this country or pass through this country; and a new one that lists only local tours that stay within that country. If you are looking for information about just one country, this allows a more focused search; several country pages list over a hundred tours now.
4 July 2006 We welcome our 1000th report on the Trento Bike Pages: a trip from Crete (Greece) to Holland by Jelmar and Maarten. Many thanks to the many contributors to these Pages!
14 April 2006 All country pages before the reorganization now load to the new country pages. The logs show that the old pages were still widely accessed, but they are no longer maintained and won't show material added since 2004.
29 January 2006 Restored the Google site search on the home page.
All tour links now open in a new page, because none of these pages have a back link to Trento Bike.
8 January 2006 Finished the reorganization of the Trento Bike Pages, with a new homepage.
