This page was last updated Mo 23 September 2024.
Contents: Tours (1181) Trails (37) Sites (3) Cycling info pages (46) Organizations and clubs (8) Nongeographical bicycling information (16)
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A three month solo tour in Norway and Sweden, starting in Bergen and riding up towards the North Cape and beyond.
tour started June 2008, submitted 28 May 2008 This is the story of a three-month solo cycle ride around Norway, starting in Bergen, and exploring the Nordland, Troms, and Finnmark counties and a bit of Sweden. The scenic Atlanterhavsvegen (voted one of the world's best road trips) is also described. |
Our trips around Europe by bike and tips and tricks for cycletouring and everyday cycling
tour started 2008, submitted 26 May 2008 Europe: UK, Holland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain
language: es
Rodadas es un manual para aquellos que quieran iniciarse en el cicloturismo. En esta página encontrarás información sobre cómo elegir tu material, trucos para solucionar algunas de las situaciones con las que se enfrentan habitualmente los cicloviajeros e información sobre iniciativas cicloturistas en España y allende de los mares. Además, te contamos nuestros viajes a través de Europa (en junio-octubre 2005), Escocia (2003) y Holanda (2002). |
Giro del lago di Costanza (Bodensee tour)
tour started July 2006, submitted 26 May 2008 language: it
Il lago di Costanza (Bodensee) è un percorso ideale per i ciclisti grazie alla bellezza del paesaggio e all'abbondanza di strutture appositamente pensate per loro: dalle piste ciclabili agli enti turistici e alberghi che offrono una particolare accoglienza con tanto di depositi custoditi, assistenza tecnica e materiale informativo a disposizione. Il periplo completo del lago attraversa tre stati (Svizzera, Germania e Austria) e misura circa 260 km, considerando anche la propaggine occidentale formata dai bacini dello Zeller See e dell'Untersee; non ci sono praticamente rilievi; è possibile abbreviare il percorso sfruttando una delle numerose rotte che collegano le due sponde del lago (Bodensee-Schiffbetriebe). Lungo il tragitto si incontrano villaggi con le abitazioni dalla tipica architettura del Baden-Württenberg e alcune splendide isole e penisole collegate alla costa da ponti e quindi facilmente accessibili anche alle biciclette: Mainau, Reichenau e Lindau, su cui sorge il nucleo dell'omonimo villaggio. In tutta la regione si trovano numerosi centri balneari e termali oltre a un'infinità di spiagge che ben si prestano a un intermezzo rilassante fra una tappa e l'altra. |
Bike tour report Bassano-Munich May 2008
tour started May 2008, submitted 23 May 2008 Cycle tour report from Bassano (70 km from Venice) to Munich. |
London to Turkey Summer 2008
tour started April 2008, submitted 29 April 2008 This is the exciting journal of my cycling adventures in the wild lands of Europe. Will my knees hold up? Will I simply be too lazy and return after a week? Will I make it to Istanbul in time to host a WILD party? Read on...... |
Tibet & Peru by bike; crossing the Himalaya and Andes when you are fifty plus
tour started September 2005, submitted 15 April 2008 language: en, nl
Cycling in Tibet is hard. Why would someone who considers himself to be a quiet normal family man go cycling in such a country. Or more precisely, why would anyone go cycling there at all. Most people do not know much about Tibet other than that it is rather high up and far away, and so it is. We knew more about this 'roof of the world' than most before we went, but fortunately not everything. But let's start at the beginning; who are we and why did we want to go to Tibet in the first place! |
Cycling from Argentina to Alaska
tour started November 2008, submitted 6 April 2008 Two Poole based intrepid travellers are setting off on a journey of a lifetime to raise funds for a local charity, Julia's House and the international charity, SOS Children's Villages. Kelly and Dave will be starting in Ushuaia, at the Southern tip of Argentina in South America and will cycle to Alaska, the extreme northwest portion of the North American continent. They anticipate that they will be on the road for up to 2 years, facing extreme weather conditions and the challenging terrain that the American continent has to offer. They plan to cycle the world's driest desert and the high altitude mountain regions of the Andes. By doing the trip by bicycle they are hoping it will bring them closer to the environment and learn about the ever changing world that we live in and aim to leave minimal impact upon the environment. |
Via dei Saraceni
tour started July 2008, submitted 3 April 2008 language: it
Via dei Saraceni: 12 (junior) e 13 luglio (senior) 2008, tracciato di Salice d'Ulzio (Souze d'Oux). Competizione aperta a tutti, professionisti e non. 38 km con un dislivello totale di 1050 metri quasi completamente su sterrato. Itinerario: |
tour started July 2006, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Die Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung führte uns diesmal ins Grenzgebiet von Frankreich und Spanien. Es stand nichts geringeres auf dem Programm als die Pyrenäen von West nach Ost zu überwinden. Wir starteten in Bilbao und radelten zwei Etappen am Atlantik bis zur Grenze nach Frankreich. Auf der französischen Seite fuhren wir dann in die Pyrenäen. In den Bergen konnten wir viele bekannte Pässe abfahren. Zudem erlebten wir äußerst gastfreundliche Franzosen und grandiose Landschaften. Das Wetter spielte auch fast immer mit. Bis auf zwei Tage hatten wir den gesamten Tag über Sonnenschein und Temperaturen von knapp 40°C im Schatten. Auch eine durchgebremste Felge, Mückenschwärme am Mittelmeer und die zahlreichen Stunden bergauf konnten uns nicht unsere Motivation nehmen. Nach zahlreichen anstrengenden Bergettappen hatten wir das Mittelmeer erreicht. Von dort war es nicht mehr weit bis nach Barcelona wo wir unseren Urlaub mit einigen Cocktails entspannt ausklingen ließen. |
Jena - Paris
tour started July 2003, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Erst hatte ich vor, die Tour-de-France-Strecke (einmal rund um Frankreich) abzufahren. Aber für dieses Vorhaben konnte ich keinen begeistern. Als zu strapaziös wurde mein Plan bezeichnet. Ich war mir mittlerweile selbst nicht mehr sicher gewesen, ob eine komplette Runde nicht zu viel für mich ist. Ich plante also um. Es entstand die Idee, zum Tour-de France-Finale nach Paris zu fahren. Stilecht sollte die Fahrt von unserer Haustür [in Jena] starten. [...] Wir hatten nun acht Tage Zeit, bis nach Paris zu kommen um Zabel, Ullrich, Armstrong ... zu sehen. Mehr als 1000 Kilometer lagen vor uns. Die gnadenlose Sommerhitze forderte ihren materiellen und körperlichen Tribut. |
tour started August 2004, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Am 4ten August 2004 begann unsere Tour in den hohen Norden. Wir kämpften mit Hitze, Mücken, Einbruchsniederschlägen und uns selbst. Nach 19 Tagen erreichten wir dann unser Ziel den Polarkreis in Finnland. |
tour started October 2006, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Im Herbst kamen Robert und Conrad auf die spontane Idee eine Radtour zu starten. Aufgrund der fortgeschrittenen Jahreszeit kamen nur noch mediterane Gebiete für die Tour in Frage. Nach einer Nachtschicht vor dem Rechner und über den Atlanten entschieden wir uns für Korsika. Die Insel galt als gebirgig jedoch schreckte uns das nicht ab, denn umso schöne Aussichten erhofften wir uns von den Gipfeln. Auf der Insel angekommen erwartete uns zuerst bedeckter Himmel. Die Wolken verzogen sich jedoch bereits am zweiten Tag und so hatten wir traumhafte Aussichten am Cape Corse. |
tour started July 2005, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Unsere Tour führte uns letztlich immer entlang der Küste. Von Dublin über Cork nach Galway. Wir schafften dabei mehr als 1100 Kilometer und erlebten auf den spannenden Tourtagen die Gastfreundschaft der Iren, die uns mehrrmals einluden. Zudem war das Wetter ausgesprochen gut - es regnete nur an 2 Tagen! |
Tour de South Korea
tour started September 2005, submitted 31 March 2008 language: en, de, fr
a great report about south korea. i visit the country 2005 for a one month bike trip. the weather was hot, the people friendly... |
tour started February 2007, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Erst hatte ich vor, die Tour-de-France-Strecke (einmal rund um Frankreich) abzufahren. Aber für dieses Vorhaben konnte ich keinen begeistern. Als zu strapaziös wurde mein Plan bezeichnet. Ich war mir mittlerweile selbst nicht mehr sicher gewesen, ob eine komplette Runde nicht zu viel für mich ist. Ich plante also um. Es entstand die Idee, zum Tour-de France-Finale nach Paris zu fahren. Stilecht sollte die Fahrt von unserer Haustür [in Jena] starten. [...] Wir hatten nun acht Tage Zeit, bis nach Paris zu kommen um Zabel, Ullrich, Armstrong ... zu sehen. Mehr als 1000 Kilometer lagen vor uns. Die gnadenlose Sommerhitze forderte ihren materiellen und körperlichen Tribut. |
tour started December 2007, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Am Morgen des 01.12.07 landete Mäfju in Auckland. Auf seiner 4 monatigen Reise will er die Nord- und auch die Südinsel erkunden. Er startete entlang der Westküste Richtung Süden und passierte einige Herr der Ringe Drehorte, bevor er in die von Surfern geliebte Gegend um Raglan kam. Dort verließ er die Küste und fuhr quer durchs Land nach Rotoruo, wo er für einige Tage bei einer Familie verbrachte, die ihn schon in Auckland eingeladen hatte. In diesen Tagen erkundete er die sehr aktive Geothermische Gegend mit Vulkanen, Geysiren und vielen blubbernden Tümpeln. Danach ging es weiter an die Ostküste und entlang dieser wieder nach Auckland. Damit war die erste Runde geschafft. Der zweite Abstecher führte ihn in den Norden wo er in Paihia Silvester verbrachte. |
tour started February 2004, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Vom 20. bis 28. Februar umrundeten wir die Insel Teneriffa und weil es uns so gut gefiel, radelten wir für ein paar weitere Tage auf der Nachbarinsel La Gomera! Wir erlebten abwechslungsreiche Landschaften, viele schweißtreibende Kilometer berauf, das relaxte Leben einer Hippie-Kommune am Strand und ein Intermezzo mit Lance Armstrong. Diese und viele andere Impressionen sind in unserem Kanaren-Reisebericht nachzulesen... |
tour started March 2003, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Nach einigen Recherchen standen zwei mögliche Ziele fest: Mallorca oder die Kanaren. Favorit unter den kanarischen Inseln war Teneriffa. Sie ist größte Insel und bietet die tolle Auffahrt zum 4000 Meter hohem Teide, Spaniens höchstem Berg. |
tour started March 2005, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Während unserer zweiwöchigen Tour sind wir mehr als 1200 km gefahren und konnten die Insel einmal umrunden. Zudem war Sardinien deutlich welliger als wir vorher gedacht hätten, was für die 12.000 zurück gelegten Höhenmeter spricht. Das Wetter war sehr angenhem: kein Regen, viel Sonne und nur teilweise Gegenwind. Zudem war die Landschaft sehr abwechslungsreich. Von Traumstränden bis zu Gebirgspässen war alles dabei. |
tour started May 2007, submitted 31 March 2008 language: de
Einmal mehr kurzentschlossen entschied ich mich für eine kleine Radtour. Es war eigentlich keine Tour, vielmehr war es ein 1-Tages-Trip. Damit auch diese Etappe zur Herausforderung werden sollte, wählte ich die Voralpenlandschaft im Gebiet um Salzburg. Das Ziel war es innerhalb eines Tages mehr als 200 Kilometer zu fahren. Bei mehr als 2000 Höhenmeter ein durchaus hoch gesteckets Vorhaben. |
International Cycle Traveling, solo and self contained
tour started 2008, submitted 31 March 2008 Europe, Australia, America: Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, UK, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Russia
I'm at one of those grave intellectual impasses that have been known to bring even greater minds than my own to a standstill. I have an orphan sock. Trivia, you say. Ha! I think not. The cause of this problem is surely the work of that Slovakian KGB Agent, foolishly disguised as a laundress in Svolen. She stole it, I'm sure. Probably for a DNA sample to impress her superiors in Bratislava. They've been following my every move since the kustoms agent in Warsaw asked me the purpose of my visit to Poland. When I answered ``vacation'' the disbelief on his face gave him away. What, doesn't anyone go to Poland on vacation? But back to the real problem, the orphan sock. The purists among cycle tourists would say, ``Throw it away, it's excess baggage. And while you're at it, cut three inches off that over-long toothbrush handle.'' But the Calvinist in me says, ``Save it. It's a good sock, nearly new.'' I've already reduced the weight of my baggage by losing its mate. Maybe I'll lose another and be back to even and lighter still. |
A family cycling trip in Netherlands
tour started August 2007, submitted 30 March 2008 We have done this cycling tour in the Netherlands with our parents and it was the perfect destination for such family trip. We have combine bike and car and covere the most of the Netherlands in one week. |
Turismo en bicicleta
tour started March 2008, submitted 22 March 2008 language: es
Web personal en la que comparto mis experiencias en el uso de la bicicleta y la información sobre viajes de cicloturismo que tengo o preparo. Consejos para el uso tanto como medio de transporte habitual como medio de disfrute ocasional. |
Nordkapp-Lignano Sabbiadoro
tour started August 2008, submitted 20 March 2008 language: en, it, de
Hi everybody, we are 8 students of Udine's University and we will across Europe with a bikecycle. We will start on 08 of August from Nordkapp and after 24 days we will arrive in Lignano Sabbiadoro. We will link the north pole with the Adriatic Sea. Our project is with the Sponsorship of our University. We will meet a lot of students about the University that we will find along our tour. So for more information you can ask at info [at] noborderbiking [dot] com and visit our website . |
Northern Finland in Winter
tour started February 2006, submitted 20 March 2008 language: de, en, fr
In Februar/March 2006 we cyceld 2 weeks in northern Finland. It was an extremely cold (up to -35°C) and extremely impressive trip. |
Camino de San Vicente Mártir
tour started July 2007, submitted 18 March 2008 language: es
La Asociación VIA VICENTIUS VALENTIAE está recuperando el CAMINO DE SAN VICENTE MARTIR, un camino histórico de Huesca a Valencia para senderistas y ciclistas que rememora los pasos del santo, cuando en el siglo IV fue apresado en Zaragoza junto al Obispo Valero por los soldados romanos enviados por el Cónsul Daciano y trasladado a Valencia para sufrir martirio ante la negativa a renunciar a su fe. Así la difusión del conocimiento de este hecho provocó en los siglos siguientes una corriente de peregrinaciones desde toda Europa hasta Valencia para visitar los restos del mártir en San Vicente de la Roqueta, convirtiéndose este fenómeno en algo muy anterior a las peregrinaciones medievales a Santiago de Compostela. |
Touring Switzerland
tour started September 2007, submitted 15 March 2008 After a year's sabbatical from bicycle touring we could not wait to get back in the saddle. After researching our options and spending countless hours on various countries' Web sites, we decided on Switzerland because of the beauty of the country and their national cycling routes. We were not disappointed. The most difficult part was eliminating routes. Not being able to make up our minds, we decided to do a little of everything - lakes, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, national forests and rolling green pastures with ubiquitous Swiss cows and their bells. Our journal includes lots of photos along with a daily log and an equipment list. |
de carabanchel a pekin en bicicleta
tour started June 2008, submitted 12 March 2008 Europe, Asia: Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China
language: es
Un viaje en bicicleta siguiendo los paises que rodean el mar mediterraneo, hasta turquia, y paso de georgia y azerbayan saltando el mar caspio a kajhastan y desde alli hasta los juegos olimpicos de pekin 08, atravesando uzbekistan, kyrsjystan y china desde el oeste hacia el este, un viaje de 6 meses de duracion que acaba de comenzar y se puede seguir en la pagina web un viaje en solitario recorriendo la antigua ruta de la seda y como fin unos juegos olimpicos, que viento nos empuje en nuestras pedaladas! |
Andalousia - tandem tour
tour started April 2007, submitted 9 March 2008 This is a brief description of our tandem tour in Andalousia(Spain). We did cycle for nine days, visisted the main cities (Seville, Granada, Cordoba) and combined bicycle with train. |
Transcendental Transcontinental - Xcountry USA
tour started August 2004, submitted 3 March 2008 Website includes travelogue, gear, planning, 50 (USA) State Bicycle Coordinator summary page, beer sampling, etc. I also took the opportunity to sample beers from across the USA. When you are riding your bike across the country, beer is guilt free. It's called fuel, and it tastes good, too! At the end of the day, nothing replaces those vital body fluids better than beer - water works OK, too, I guess. You'll find that some state bicycle coordinators are better than others. Wyoming and South Dakota coordinators were topnotch! Clearly, they were real bike riders not some pinky office donut eaters. |
Cycling in Denmark
tour started 2005, submitted 27 February 2008 A report from a cycling trip in Denmark in September 2005. We cycled from Copenhagen to Esbjerg on the North Sea over 3 weeks, hopping from island to island, following the Baltic Sea Route, and finishing on the North Sea Route. The weather was perfect and the marked bicycle routes we followed quiet and scenic. Denmark is great for cycling - it is mostly flat, has a well marked network of bicycle routes, and the cyclists have priority lanes in towns. Highly recommended for new and old cycle tourers. Our site has a report from our trip, itinerary, best photos, and Top 5 selection of best rides, experiences, food and accommodation. Enjoy and write to us if you have any questions! |
Cycling through Ecuador and Colombia
tour started January 2008, submitted 11 February 2008 Just a two month cycle tour, starting with a loop around the highlands of Ecuador before crossing the border into Southern Colombia and making my way north to Bogota via the Andes and then the Valle de Rio Magdalena, with some extra riding in the mountains just north of Bogota. Tour started January 2008 and finishes end February 2008. |
Following the Erie Canal from Buffalo to Albany
tour started September 2006, submitted 5 February 2008 language: en, fr
A one-week cyclotouring trip from Albany to Buffalo, along the Erie Canal and Mohawk River in New York State (650 km ~ 400 miles), mostly camping. Practical informations about traveling and camping in Upstate New York, and getting there by bus. Especially useful for budget travelers who don't mind pedaling long hours along the Mohawk River Valley, the cradle of US industry, an area rich in historical significance and landmarks. |
Bicycle camping through France from Bordeaux to Lausanne
tour started May 2007, submitted 5 February 2008 language: en, fr
A three-week cyclotouring trip across France (mostly camping) from Bordeaux to Lausanne, passing through Périgord, Limousin, Creuse, Canal du Centre in Burgundy, crossing the Alps in Jura, through Pontarlier and Vallorbe. Lots of nice pictures; practical informations about traveling and camping in France, and flying there with a bicycle. Especially useful for budget travelers who don't mind pedaling long hours in a beautiful country. |
Bicycle World Tour
tour started June 2005, submitted 18 January 2008 America, Europe, Africa, Asia: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Germany, CzechRepublic, Austria, Italy, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Kenya, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, KoreaSouth
language: en, de, sp, ko
This is our second big trip with bicycle. It just started 1998 from Germany over Africa up to Asia with the destination South Korea (2000). Now, again on the road, we are travelling by bicycle in South America. We are since 06/2005 again on the road. Dies ist nun schon unsere zweite grosse Radtour. Es begann 1998 in Deutschland mit dem Weg nach Suedkorea und einem Abstecher in Afrika. Nun, seit 06/2005, sind wir mit unseren Raedern in Suedamerika unterwegs. |
tour started 2008, submitted 6 January 2008 The Danish section of North Sea Cycle Way. Pics and a short travelogue. |
My travel around New Zealand by bicycle
tour started November 2007, submitted 3 January 2008 language: it
Dopo Patagonia, Toascana, Sicilia e Corsica ecco la cigliegina sulla torta: la Nuova Zelanda da Auckland a Christchurch in bicicletta. Due mesi e mezzo e 4500 km (almeno credo, il tour deve ancora finire!) tra laghi, vulcani, alpi e splendidi paesaggi costieri. |
Swiss Alps, Italian Coast, Greek Islands, Turkish Hills
tour started 2007, submitted 1 January 2008 language: en, de
Crossing the Swiss Alps to Venice, along the Adriatic coast to Greece; island hopping on Corfu, Crete, Santorini, Naxos, Samos; and finally following Turkey's Mediterranean coast to Antlaya. [Picture at deleted, it tries to set a cookie. Ed.] |
Touring Bolivia and Argentina
tour started August 2007, submitted 22 December 2007 language: pt
Sajama - Salta 1350km. Agosto de 2007 (Andes2) touring bolivia cycling. Após o primeiro contato com a cordilheira, em 2005 surgiu o projeto de percorrê-la de Norte a Sul. Decidi fazê-lo sozinho e o fato de não contar com um companheiro me fez redobrar a atenção nos detalhes para garantir o bom término da viagem. Foram 17 etapas onde encontrei frio, gelo, vento, cascalho e muita areia. No caminho parei para descansar em algumas cidades para recuperar forças e conseguir suprimentos. |
A trip around Patagonia from Ushuaia, Torres Del Paine, Lago Del Desierto and Careterra Austral
tour started 2007, submitted 20 December 2007 Europe, America, Australia: Chile, Argentina, Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Australia
Here is a trip that takes me to places I have dreamed about for 35 years. Mountains, Glaciers, Volcanoes and Easter Island. Now includes my 2007 tour of Australia. |
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