When passing a second time directions to Alvaschtein (or a name like that) no difficult till Tiefencastel (till here 14 km. 35 min, 300 of devilment). Every route in exit from Tiefencastel is steep: the one from which I arrived, the one to Julierpass and also the one I take to Albulapass. Main route actually takes to Davos, so after Alvaneu I leave this route. I'm lucky because there's a long stretch very easy to ride. Suddenly slope increases but demanding stretches are not so long. Bergun is reached at the end of another resting stretch: nice village Bergun but bad pavement especially in the most steep stretches. However the ascent for the first 18 km. is not demanding at all as it took me 1 hour to complete this part: the remains is 13 km. long with almost 800 mt of devilment.
From Bergun on there's the incredible railway path to see made up of tunnels and viaducts: so I see the train on my left, then up to me, and then up on my right, then I'm above it (note: I don't run like a train ; that's simply because I started before it). The ascent is very demanding under a railway viaduct but the route become flat getting to Preda last railway station before train enter a tunnel. Leaving Preda I meet a green lake and after a steep straight stretch I can see the final development of the ascent made up of long straight strecthes not very steep except the last: a final right bend takes to Albulahospiz (till here: 45 km. 170 min. 1700 of devilment). There are two lakes but this year one of them is completely dry: I wonder why. From the pass 2 km. in slow ascent and then a steep descent: the route is becoming more and more narrow, attention is required to opposite cars. View over Engadina is beautiful. There's a level crossing just before the end of the descent in La Punt: it's better go slow also because the street is still getting narrower. Turn left to Zernez (but look at the drinking fountain on the right corner). From La Punt to Zernez my "the 6 pass tour"; following kms to La Susch are useful to rest... and to drink fresh water just at the beginning of ascent to Fluela Pass. (till here: 81 km. 270 min. 1700 of devilment)
This ascent has three very demanding stretches: each one ends when you read behind a road sign on the other side of the route saying "10%" (according to me it's an average value). The first stretch is immediately after leaving La Susch; luckily there are some hairpins that help a bit. Just a moment of relax and here's the second difficult part; also this part contains hairpins. The environment is magnificent: a long straight stretch almost in flat (compared to the previous ones) allows me to take a glance everywhere ... also to the following development made up of a long straight stretch (without hairpins) and high slope; that's the third demanding stretch. Mountains are very big and very close; although the street is wide enough it seems to ride on a little path compared to view of surrounding mountains. A final couple of hairpins (the first on the left the other on the right) is the last, brief, demanding stretch; Fluela Hospiz and its two lakes are reached on descent (till here: 95 km. 370 min. 2700 of devilment). Descent to Davos is very easy: attention to bends is required because straight strechtes make your speed to increase a lot. In Davos turn right; for those who at this point want to short the tour there's the chance to turn left, cross Davos and get directly back to Thusis via Tiefencastel(after a tunnel about 3 demanding km in ascent to get to Wiesen,then no difficult at all and look at the typical green suisse landscape, particularly a lonely church). I turn right to Wolfgang pass (very easy indeed) and then down to Klosters vith the view of Silvretta group; a brief ascent stretch in Klosters and then again descent though less steep than before.
No problems for waters: except Klosters each village crossed has (at least) a fountain on the right. When in Jenaz an unexpected news: the street is devoted to cyclists. This is better for riding but bad to retrieve directions. Small red arrows say the city you're going towards: at first I follow directions to Landquart (that is the same I followed before the splitting of routes). The route becomes more and more narrow and the main street only for cars is taking another direction. When I meet a cross road I read again the red arrow saying "Landquart" but there is on the left another arrow a bit hidden to be read. I prefer to stop and read it; it says "Igis/Chur" that is my direction. The street after a few kms becomes a normal urban street; the better thing is to go straight ignoring any other red arrow. Although now there are cars too, traffic is not heavy at all: here's Chur. (till here: 165 km, 530 min, 2800 mt) In Chur I follow directions to "Zentrum": Chur is a nice little town. Once crossed the route to Lenzhereide (it looks very steep) I follow directions to Reichenau; here, leaving on the right the route to Flims a steep descent (in pave') and then a brief ascent take to Bonadouz. Now to Thusis there are about 15 km. mostly in ascent (not at all steep); the wind blows favouring my riding. Only last km. is a bit demanding but it's done at last (190 km. 595 min. 2950 mt.)