In this page I intend to touch upon some legal and copyright issues concerning the Trento Bike Pages. Please note that Internet Law, a rather difficult subject, is currently in the making, and I'm no expert.
I usually do some kind of technical editing to these pages (turning text into HTML, adding titles, splitting up long reports in chapters and adding indices, etc). Authors retain full rights on their contributions, even when thus reworked, and can reuse them in this form. I only ask that they are still kept freely available.
Responsibility for the content of local pages basically remains with their authors. I try to make sure to the best of my knowledge that local pages do not contain material that may lead to any potential legal issue, but I'm quite willing to examine any complaints.
When I set up a link to an external page I usually inform the author. Occasionally I may fail to do so, or fail to obtain feedback from the author. I work under the assumption that people who post pages on the Web do so because they want people to read them. By setting up links to pages, I give my contribution to their visibility. However, if an author does not want her/his page to be linked to here, it's enough to drop me a line for me to remove a link.
Also note that this site contains a very large number of links. I
cannot check whether those links go bad and the linked information
disappears, or is replaced with inappropriate material. For example,
I will remove links to pages taken over by spammers or other offensively
commercial material when I learn about them. If you notice such a link,
please tell me!
Users Beware
Copying information that floats freely on the Web is easy. Keeping a
copy for personal use is OK. More than that is very likely to be unadvisable.
For instance, editing original documents and circulating them in a new form is definitely to be discouraged, as it infringes the copy rights held by the author. Deleting the name of the author of a document in your own copy (yes, I've seen that happen!) is clearly seriously wrong.
If you are in doubt, consult the author before tampering with any
of her/his documents. Remember that even when documents are provided
for free, this doesn't mean that the author relinquishes her/his rights
on them.
German law requires that the maintainer of a web site supplies information about the maintainer. I think that only applies to commercial sites, but I got this free template so here we go:
Anbieter: Thomas Driemeyer
Adresse: Linienstraße 215, 10119 Berlin
Telefon: 030-89377331
Email: tbp5@trentobike,.org
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer entfällt; dieses Angebot ist
eine private Homepage und ich habe keine USt-Nummer.
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß §10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Thomas Driemeyer (Anschrift wie oben).
Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehme ich keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich.