This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.

Contents: Tours (4)   

Reports by Simon

All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.


From Basel to Vienna (1036 km in 6 days)
by Simon, tour started September 2003, submitted 1 May 2006

My trip began in late September 2003, the company I had been working for had finally done me the favour and folded (August would have been nicer  ) so this gave me the opportunity I was looking for to fulfil a dream and cycle over 1000km.

Like all good things if you want to accomplish something then you need to have a plan. Mine was to take me from Basel, over a couple of Mountain passes & up to the source of the Danube. Then from Donaueschingen following the path of the river riding through cities such as Ulm, Ingolstadt, Regensburg, Passau, Linz, Krems and finally down to Vienna, 1036 km and as it happened 6 days later, a day quicker than I had expected.

See all 4 reports by Simon

This is where it all starts, the source of the Danube.
Vienna to Istanbul (1800km in 10.5 days)
by Simon, tour started May 2004, submitted 1 May 2006

I can't really remember how we came up with the idea. It wasn't like, 'Hey, let's cycle from Europe to Asia.' It was an accumulation of small and different snippets of information via the Internet, certain other events and I suppose fate, that all slowly came together to give us our planned destination 'ISTANBUL'.

One thing was definite, the good old faithful Blue Danube River played it's usual important role in the idea, which was to safely guide us, not all of the way, but at least a part of it.

See all 4 reports by Simon

Tour Vienna-Istanbul = Green  Tour Donaueschingen-Vienna = Red
Von Wien nach Istanbul Deutsche Fassung, 1760km in 10,5 Tage durch 6 Länder
by Simon, tour started May 2004, submitted 1 May 2006
language: de

Ich kann mich nicht genau erinnern wie wir auf diese Idee gekommen sind. Wir haben nicht einfach gesagt ``warum radeln wir nicht von Europa nach Asien?''. Es war eher eine Ansammlung kleiner und unterschiedlicher Informationen aus dem Internet, verbunden mit anderen Ereignissen und wahrscheinlich auch Schicksal, was uns letztendlich unser Ziel Istanbul gegeben hat.

Eines war sicher, unsere altvertraute Blaue Donau spielte wie immer eine wichtige Rolle. Sie zeigte uns den Weg, und begleitete uns treu fast bis ans Ziel.

See all 4 reports by Simon

Hier bin ich und tu das was ich am besten kann. Auf meinen Arsch sitzen ;))
Cycling the Elbe from Cuxhaven to Prague
by Simon, tour started June 2005, submitted 1 May 2006

The Idea.

Looking out of the window 10.000 meters up, cruising on a flight from Vienna to Hamburg my attention was caught by a breathtaking view unfolding below me. Stretching for as far as the eye could see was the serene, winding, glistening zigzag path of a River that I immediately fell in love with.

But what was its name? I pulled out the in-flight magazine, turned to the back & started to search for this majestic River. It turned out however that the Captain of our flight beat me to it as he announced our height, the beautiful weather conditions and that our path for the whole flight would be following the 'Elbe'.

Several flights later, along that same route & the river sealed its fate to be conquered! Not from the air though, but by using my own horsepower, cycling.

See all 4 reports by Simon