This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.
Contents: Tours (64) Trails (1) Sites (5) Cycling info pages (5) Organizations and clubs (3)
This page lists all reports that for CzechRepublic including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only CzechRepublic.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.
Thirty two years of bicycle tours, Cannes film festival, several Tour de France
, submitted 10 June 2024 Europe, America, Africa, Asia: USA, Canada, Suriname, FrenchGuiana, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, England, Holland, Italy, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Luxembourg, CzechRepublic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Senegal, Mauritania, Senegal, Somalia, Mali, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, SouthAfrica, Egypt, Madagascar, Lebanon, UnitedArabEmirates, Turkey, Israel, Taiwan, Philippines, China, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand
George Christensen has been cyclotouring for decades, spending a good part of the year wandering around the world on his bicycle. He has biked the length of three continents (North America, South America, Australia) and one sub-continent (India). Included here are reports his travels since 1991. He’s followed the Tour de France seventeen times beginning in 2004, riding much of each year's route, fully loaded, before or after the peloton and sent out regular reports during the race, also posted here. He's also an independent film enthusiast, attending or working at several major film festivals annually, including Telluride and Cannes. His coverage of Cannes is also included here in May of 2004-2015. |
Loop in Austria and Czech Republic
tour started August 2023, submitted 11 September 2023 Clockwise loop from Linz through Prague, Brno, and Vienna.
Vltava Tour
tour started July 2018, submitted 2 August 2018 There is no time to stall... |
Thaya circle tour - Thayarunde
tour started September 2017, submitted 28 September 2017 A very sunny and stable fall weather made us decide to do this tour The trail is only 111 kilometers. The interesting part is that one rides on former railroad tracks. The are in perfect condition (asphalt) and very good marked (except at Waidhofen an der Thaya). I have scanned in the road map to provide interested bicyclists sufficient information. We just spent one day. Reason: Easy to Czech per train form Vienna and the, sorry to say, the Czech part of this trail is not interesting, nor have infrastructure, we expect. On the most Northern part of the trail, we have been riding the "Iron Curtain Trail". not really interesting, just a good sounding name and steep climbs. Most interesting the ride to Waidhofen an der Thaya (route South) and up to Waldkirchen and on the return the city of Raabs an der Thaya. We have been riding the tour clockwise, starting at Göpfritz an der Wild. If you need more information please call the tourist-information at Zwettl / Lower Austria (phone +43 2822 54109) They will send you the map and a leaflet with sightseeing information and list of accommodations. hope you enjoy the picture report. Good luck to our followers. |
Prag - Zürich - Juni / Juli
tour started June 2014, submitted 27 November 2016 language: de, en, nl
Am Vorabend bringt uns Gaby (Tochter meiner Schwester) bei strömendem Regen zum Bahnhof nach Zürich. Wir nehmen (meine Schwester und ich) den City-Night-Line-Zug nach Prag. Leider ist nächstes Jahr Schluss mit dem Nachtzug, sehr schade. Es ist angenehm solch eine lange Fahrt, ca. 12 Stunden, schlafend zu verbringen. Wir kommen etwas nach 09:00h ausgeschlafen am Bahnhof von Prag an. |
Repubblica Ceca
tour started August 2012, submitted 18 October 2012 language: it
Pur essendo in una zona ricca e turistica tra boschi e montagne, noto la differenza dall'Austria e la Germania. Incrocio numerose macchine con canoe e bici sul tetto, così mi accorgo di essere entrata nel fine settimana. Arrivo nel paese-gioiello, meta principale del mio viaggio, Cesky Krumlov. Sono anni che voglio visitarlo. Despite being in an area rich in tourist and among forests and mountains, known the difference from Austria and Germany. Crossing numerous machines with canoes and bikes on the roof, so I realize I have entered over the weekend. Arrival in the country-jewel, the main goal of my trip, Cesky Krumlov. For years, I want to visit. |
Deutschland Rundfahrt 2011
tour started May 2011, submitted 16 September 2012 language: de
Wir sind mit unseren nachgerüsteten Fahrrädern (e-Motor von BionX) von München nach Kassel, Bremen, Lübeck, Stralsund, Usedom, Frankfurt an der Oder, Dresden, Prag und zurück nach München geradelt (etwa 2700 km) |
European tour from Stockholm to Athens
tour started 2012, submitted 10 July 2012 |
A mountain bike tour to the Berounka valley (Czech Republik)
tour started September 1999, submitted 30 May 2012 Europe: CzechRepublic
Berounka is a little town, West of Praha, the capital city of the Czech republic. The tour itself is just a day ride, but in a fairytale landscape. Not easy to find anymore in good old Europe. So peaceful, so warm and nice. In each little village an old restaurant to 're-fuel' ones body... With what? Czech beer, charged as top brand. Needless to say, we do it again! Enjoy the pictures. Good luck to our followers! |
Dall'Adriatico al Baltico - Da Trieste a Riga 3^ parte
tour started July 2012, submitted 1 March 2012 " The show must go on", non ho alternative, riparto. Gli spazi si dilatano e anche qui, come in Polonia tra un paese e l'altro ci sono 10-15 chilometri di nulla, prati incolti, strette mulattiere sterrate che si diramano verso il nulla, rare mucche al pascolo e camioncini catapultati dalla macchina del tempo. Un chiosco di legno, in centro città è l'unica opportunità che ho per comprare qualcosa da mangiare, In pochi metri quadrati sono esposti i più disparati generi alimentari e non. Sembra il codice fiscale di un supermercato. Esco e trovo quattro bambini attratti dalla mia bici. |
Dall' Adriatico al Baltico, da Trieste a Riga seconda parte
tour started July 2011, submitted 8 February 2012 Seconda parte di 2.200 km. in bicicletta da Trieste a Riga Katovice: un' edicola con esposti quotidiani e cavolfiori (immagino di propria produzione), un tram che si regge a stenti quasi investe un Suv fresco di concessionaria e oltre una strada ciottolata, una zona commerciale degna di qualsiasi città italiana: supermercato, articoli sportivi, bricolage e giardinaggio. Resto senza parole. Noiosa pianura , dove l'unica cosa da fare è contare i chilometri mancanti a Chestokova. segue... |
Dall' Adriatico al Baltico, da Trieste a Riga
tour started July 2011, submitted 31 January 2012 language: it
Il mare, la mia insegnante di inglese ed Auschwitz. Tre cose che apparentemente non hanno nulla in comune, ma che in realtà sono le basi che hanno fatto nascere questo ciclo-viaggio. Un viaggio dall' Adriatico al Baltico, la visita ad Oswiecim ( nome polacco di Auschwitz) e un salto a Riga, città natale della mia insegnante di inglese. Cartine alla mano, è stato sufficiente tirate una traccia (o meglio una Riga) aggiungere qualche deviazione turistica ed ecco preparato un viaggio. |
From Bavaria to the Baltic Sea and Back
tour started May 2011, submitted 29 December 2011 We wanted to take a long door-to-door trip and, hurrah, we made it. Our route went from Munich to Bremen, the Baltic, the Polish border, Prague and back to our front door where we started. Travelling through different parts of Germany and a bit of the Czech Republic, we saw many different landscapes, people, architecture. In relatively densely populated Europe things are close together and there were seldom long stretches with nothing of interest. |
Thayatal valley ride in fall 2011
tour started October 2011, submitted 16 October 2011 As every year, we did our late summer ride to the North of Austria: Thayatal valley. Real 'old' Austria, which we like most, particular that stile. This page is made primarily to honor the people who operate one of the last remaining railroad gifts in Austria: The Reblausexpress. We undertake this tour, at least one a year, just to see, how time is changing... The Reblausexpress reminds us on 'old' Austria, a country, which has been beautiful with open and honest people. But time is changing... We still have met open people on our tour, which made it even more enjoyable! Hope you enjoy the pictures. Good luck to all our followers |
Cicloturismo Germania
tour started July 2010, submitted 22 July 2011 language: it
European bike tour from Bergamo to Berlin. 1100 km 12 days |
Baarn naar Praag
tour started July 2011, submitted 26 June 2011 language: nl
Dutch Family with 2 kids 9 and 7 years old are going to cycle from Baarn to Prague. The journey starts 16 july. |
Fahrradweltreise ''Reise zum Horizont''
tour started March 2009, submitted 22 February 2011 Europe, Asia, Australia, America: Germany, CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, NewZealand, Chile, Argentina
language: de, en, es
Die Reise zum Horizont war ein Traum, eine verrueckte Idee. Heute ist sie Wirklichkeit, eine bewusste Entscheidung, eine Weltreise mit dem Fahrrad. Am 15. Maerz 2009 in Oldenburg (Deutschland) gestartet, ist das Ziel die ''weite'' Welt. Mit dem Anspruch, den Weg weitgehend mit dem Fahrrad zurueckzulegen, ist es ein Erfahren fremder Laender und Kulturen, auch bzw. besonders jenseits klassischer Touristenziele. |
Two month across West Europe on recumbent bikes
tour started June 2010, submitted 4 January 2011 language: de, en, fr, it, es
We are two guys from Germany, who travelled across West Europe for two months. With our Performer High Racers, we came through nine European countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherland) and crossed both the Pyrenees and the Alps two times each. After 9000 km we finished our tour in August and now we have completed our web page with detailed information for each stage and thousands of photos. The page is in German but offers a integrated translation service. |
Milan - Praga - Berlin by bike
tour started August 2008, submitted 19 July 2010 language: spanish
The most interesting places of this trip are:
:) |
München - Prag - Dresden - Berlin
, submitted 1 July 2010 language: de
Fahrrad Tour durch die Alpen der Schweiz, dem Inn Tal entlang in Österreich, Oktoberfest Pause in München, Schloss Tour in Tschechien mit der faszinierenden Hauptstadt Prag und schlussendlich über Dresden nach Berlin. |
A four month tour of mainland Europe by tandem
tour started April 2010, submitted 1 May 2010 A four month cycle tour by tandem, starting April 2010. The plan, if you can call it that, is to have a good time, eat lots of food and visit some eco projects along the way. We also want to cover some miles in a clean, responsible, but ultimately enjoyable, cheap and stress-free manner. What better vehicle than the bicycle could we use to achieve this? To me, the bike is the ultimate in human transport. Someone said that human progress should have stopped after the bicycle was invented. In my opinion, it did stop. The rest has been downhill. (I know that's not true, but I thought it sounded good.) Anyway, this is the blog of our trip. We hope you enjoy the blog and we hope we enjoy the trip. That way, we're all happy. |
Europe en vélo
tour started 2009, submitted 19 November 2009 Europe: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, CzechRepublic, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Belgium
language: fr
J'ai fait le tour de l'Europe à vélo en solo durant l'été 2009. J'ai parcouru 12 000km à travers 11 pays. J'ai vécu une expérience magnifique! Venez lire mon blog! |
Ciclabile del Fiume Elba (Elberadweg) prima parte da Praga
tour started July 2006, submitted 30 October 2009 language: it
La Elberadweg inizia con la scoperta del fiume Moldau (Vltava) che attraversando Praga fa di essa una delle più belle capitali Europee. Seguendo la corrente del fiume, dopo il centro storico, si attraversa il Cechuv Most e il percorso ciclabile inizia proprio all'interno di un vasto parco. Nella breve salita si dà l'addio alla città osservandone ancora una volta l'architettura classica e moderna. |
The Greatest Schlep
tour started June 2009, submitted 26 October 2009 One friend mired in med school, the other about to begin the rest of his life. Both wanted to go on an adventure. Both wanted to bike. Many arguments later, The Greatest Schlep was born. Keep track of us as we schlep from Prague to Athens. |
Travel By Bike - Fietsen over Europa's mooiste wegen
, submitted 14 September 2009 Europe: Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK
language: nl
Travel By Bike is a website about a group of enthusiastic bikers with more than 10 years of travel experience. From Belgium through The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom. Do not forget look at to the page 'pregnant on bike', reading our travel stories and watching the beautiful pictures! |
Tandeming 'round the world' 09
tour started December 2008, submitted 29 December 2008 Europe, America, Australia, Asia: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, CostaRica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, NewZealand, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, USA, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, China, Germany, CzechRepublic, Croatia, Bosnia, Italy, Spain
We are entering our fourth year on our tandem adventure 'round the world'. We have visited Mexico, Central & South America, New Zeland, Australia, South East Asia, China, and Europe. We are now wintering over on the Costa Del Sol, Spain. Off to Morocco in Feb. 09 then back into Europe for 09. |
Bicycle World Tour
tour started June 2005, submitted 18 January 2008 America, Europe, Africa, Asia: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Germany, CzechRepublic, Austria, Italy, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Kenya, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, KoreaSouth
language: en, de, sp, ko
This is our second big trip with bicycle. It just started 1998 from Germany over Africa up to Asia with the destination South Korea (2000). Now, again on the road, we are travelling by bicycle in South America. We are since 06/2005 again on the road. Dies ist nun schon unsere zweite grosse Radtour. Es begann 1998 in Deutschland mit dem Weg nach Suedkorea und einem Abstecher in Afrika. Nun, seit 06/2005, sind wir mit unseren Raedern in Suedamerika unterwegs. |
Pennyfarthing world tour
tour started May 2006, submitted 12 September 2007 Europe, Asia, Australia: UK, Holland, Germany, CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Australia, NewZealand, China
A world tour on a rather odd bicycle. |
First time touring - Austria, Germany, & Czech Republic
tour started July 2007, submitted 7 August 2007 Read about the difficulties/triumphs of a first-time touring cyclist. I traveled through Austria, Germany, and Czech Republic for 16 days. Although I was credit card touring, I encountered obstacles throughout my trip. I had no plans or routes for this trip... I went wherever I felt like. I have had many people (family, friends, & co-workers) question why I am riding my bike alone across Central Europe... my answer has been: change. I needed to experience the unknown... hence the lack of planning of where to visit and stay. |
Comm'on Life in Eurasia: 2 years of challenge and cultural discovery
tour started August 2006, submitted 18 July 2007 Europe, Asia: France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, CzechRepublic, Poland, Holland, Belgium
language: fr, ru, en
We are performing a 2 years (theoretically) trip around Eurasia. During the trip, we are performing a photo documentation for ICOMOS, an expert organization of UNESCO about cultural heritage. The database created will be available on the website. We wish with this project to perform some challenging cycling, linking with useful actions. Our website relates our diary and we are putting plenty of photos and comments (and lots of other fields are going to come, such as advices, technical data...). |
wish tour (world bicycle tour) photos and stories from a bicycle tour around the world
tour started July 2007, submitted 8 July 2007 America, Europe, Asia, Australia: America, France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, CzechRepublic, Germany, Holland, UK, Monaco, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia
Welcome to the Wish Tour! Below you will find the photos and journal from a two-year, 20,000-mile bicycle journey around the world. Starting in July 2005, this journal will take readers across the United States, Europe, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. The journey began more than 20 years ago, as the seeds of a dream to circumnavigate the globe were cultivated from a deeply personal and painful experience. [Absolutely stunning pictures.] |
Rolling Across Europa
tour started June 2006, submitted 24 March 2007 Europe: Ukraine, Poland, CzechRepublic, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, UK
During the summer of 2006, I traveled with only a bicycle from Lviv, Ukraine down to Napoli, Italy, then north to Calais, France. From Calais I ferried to Dover, then rode to London to complete the voyage. I visited eleven countries and saw a variety of landscapes and weather. I had encounters with many people and most of these were positive. I also used this experience to draw attention to a little orphanage in eastern Ukraine, the Makiivka HIV / AIDS orphanage. |
Through Eastern Europe, summer 2006
tour started July 2006, submitted 28 January 2007 Through Eastern Europe, summer 2006 Summer 2006 we cycled Eastern Europe. We started in Bucharest Romania and went all the way to the Ukraine border into Hungary, Slovakia, Chzechoslovakia into Germany. On my windows webspace the route and the pictures tell the story. Enjoy! |
Elisa's Bike Trip-From Lisbon to Istanbul
tour started April 2006, submitted 17 August 2006 Solo biking trip still in progress from a 31 year old woman ex-software engineer. Started April 8th, 2006 in Lisbon, headed East towards Istanbul. Currently in Dresden, Germany, over 5000 kms pedalled so far, across most of continental Europe. |
A Meandering Ride from Gmund to Prague
tour started June 2004, submitted 5 July 2006 Europe: CzechRepublic
We turned off the road onto a very steep up and down track which took us through the forest and past a large dam. At first the path had a concrete surface and the water was running down it in a continuous stream. After we had passed the dam, the track deteriorated into soft sand and was unrideable for much of the way. Eventually, we struggled into Velesin. There was plenty of evidence that they had been hit by a heavy storm and many people were busy pumping water from their flooded basements. That night we saw on television that the area just south of here had suffered flash flooding, trees blown down and major power cuts as a result of the storm. Luckily, we seem to have been skirting the edge of the storm for most of the day and missed most of the rain and winds. It rained every day of our tour but only for a short period at a time, so we had plenty of time to enjoy the beauty of the country and the attractive towns and cities. |
Vienna to Istanbul (1800km in 10.5 days)
tour started May 2004, submitted 1 May 2006 I can't really remember how we came up with the idea. It wasn't like, 'Hey, let's cycle from Europe to Asia.' It was an accumulation of small and different snippets of information via the Internet, certain other events and I suppose fate, that all slowly came together to give us our planned destination 'ISTANBUL'. One thing was definite, the good old faithful Blue Danube River played it's usual important role in the idea, which was to safely guide us, not all of the way, but at least a part of it. |
Von Wien nach Istanbul Deutsche Fassung, 1760km in 10,5 Tage durch 6 Länder
tour started May 2004, submitted 1 May 2006 language: de
Ich kann mich nicht genau erinnern wie wir auf diese Idee gekommen sind. Wir haben nicht einfach gesagt ``warum radeln wir nicht von Europa nach Asien?''. Es war eher eine Ansammlung kleiner und unterschiedlicher Informationen aus dem Internet, verbunden mit anderen Ereignissen und wahrscheinlich auch Schicksal, was uns letztendlich unser Ziel Istanbul gegeben hat. Eines war sicher, unsere altvertraute Blaue Donau spielte wie immer eine wichtige Rolle. Sie zeigte uns den Weg, und begleitete uns treu fast bis ans Ziel. |
Cycling the Elbe from Cuxhaven to Prague
tour started June 2005, submitted 1 May 2006 The Idea. Looking out of the window 10.000 meters up, cruising on a flight from Vienna to Hamburg my attention was caught by a breathtaking view unfolding below me. Stretching for as far as the eye could see was the serene, winding, glistening zigzag path of a River that I immediately fell in love with. But what was its name? I pulled out the in-flight magazine, turned to the back & started to search for this majestic River. It turned out however that the Captain of our flight beat me to it as he announced our height, the beautiful weather conditions and that our path for the whole flight would be following the 'Elbe'. Several flights later, along that same route & the river sealed its fate to be conquered! Not from the air though, but by using my own horsepower, cycling. |
Biking along the Vltava River from the Czech Border to Prague and beyond
tour started June 2003, submitted 26 March 2006 Europe: CzechRepublic
language: de
Wir waren nicht sicher, ob wir die beträchtlichen Steigungen des Böhmer Waldes uns zumuten wollten. Es stimmt, ab und zu ging es richtig zur Sache, aber man wird mehr als belohnt durch die zauberhafte, stille Landschaft im Sumava Nationalpark. Auch weiter durch Tschechien, ob man direkt an der Moldau oder in einiger Entfernung vom Ufer seinen Weg findet, war viel zu entdecken: zum Beispiel kleine fahrradgerechte Orte wie Frymburk, Rosemberk, Vyssí Brod, Ceský Krumlov oder Budweis. Krönung, wenn nicht gerade fahrradfreundlich, war die ``Goldene Stadt an der Moldau'', Prag. |
cycling the Danube and Elbe cycle ways (2004 and 2005)
tour started May 2005, submitted 10 March 2006 Cycling the Elbe and Danube cycle ways. Two tours, one of the Danube cycle way from Germany to Budapest, then through Slovenia to Venice, and the Elbe cycle tour from Hook of Holland to Prague via Hamburg; passing through Germany and Dresden. |