This page was last updated Fr 20 September 2024.
Contents: Tours (18) Sites (2) Cycling info pages (1)
Thirty two years of bicycle tours, Cannes film festival, several Tour de France
, submitted 10 June 2024 Europe, America, Africa, Asia: USA, Canada, Suriname, FrenchGuiana, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, England, Holland, Italy, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Luxembourg, CzechRepublic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Senegal, Mauritania, Senegal, Somalia, Mali, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, SouthAfrica, Egypt, Madagascar, Lebanon, UnitedArabEmirates, Turkey, Israel, Taiwan, Philippines, China, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand
George Christensen has been cyclotouring for decades, spending a good part of the year wandering around the world on his bicycle. He has biked the length of three continents (North America, South America, Australia) and one sub-continent (India). Included here are reports his travels since 1991. He’s followed the Tour de France seventeen times beginning in 2004, riding much of each year's route, fully loaded, before or after the peloton and sent out regular reports during the race, also posted here. He's also an independent film enthusiast, attending or working at several major film festivals annually, including Telluride and Cannes. His coverage of Cannes is also included here in May of 2004-2015. |
All my trials
tour started January 2003, submitted 27 March 2023 All my Rides viele Jahre erfreuete ich mich an der Teilnahme an Radrennen (Touristikfahrten) Ich hoffe Ihr erfreut Euch an diesem meinem Beitrag. Good luck to our followers! Siehe Bilder! |
Il tour delle tre frontiere
tour started June 2011, submitted 26 December 2012 language: it, fr, en
[DOC] Ancora Francia, eh sì ci troviamo proprio bene ma quest'anno allarghiamo un po' il giro sconfinando nella vicina Germania per rientrare in Francia per poi nuovamente passare in Germania fino a raggiungere il punto dove si incontrano le tre frontiere di Francia, Germania, Lussemburgo cioè Schengen. |
A Shortened Break
tour started September 2011, submitted 29 September 2011 This is a report of a trip that was intended to be a solo ride from London to Athens over seven weeks. Unfortunately I was involved in a road accident in Germany after only eleven days that curtailed the trip. Before this point I enjoyed fine scenery in such areas as Kent, the Ardennes, Luxembourg and the Black Forest, and passed through many attractive towns including Trier and Vianden. |
Loop through D, NL, B & L (including Moselradweg and Rheinradweg)
tour started August 2009, submitted 16 November 2010 This 1,210 Km (756 mi) tour took us along the Mosel and Rhine rivers into the Netherlands, proceeding then to Belgium and Luxembourg. I had prepared the route with the aid of official GPS tracks of the cycling paths that we wanted to follow. Without the hand-held type GPS, the journey would have required the use of a consistent number of maps resulting in countless wasted time for continuous consultation. Despite the cycling paths are generally signposted they are not present at every turn. At times we found that some were even pointing to the wrong direction - maybe some prankster had fun with them. The tracklog of our entire tour has been recorded and it's available for download. To spare the hassle of changing and recharging batteries continuously, my GPS unit was powered by a small solar station placed atop the handlebar bag. Precious and amazing satellite technology that sadly turns paper maps into romantic memories, it's a luxury I came to love quite quickly. |
Fahrrad Nord Europa Tour: Schweiz - Frankreich - Luxemburg - Belgien - Holland
, submitted 1 July 2010 language: de
Eine Fahrrad Tour zu den Haupstädten von Europa: Strassburg, Luxemburg und Brüssel. Als Höhepunkte galten die Route des Cretes, eine faszinierende Hochstrasse durch das Elsass in Frankreich; die Route du Vin, die Weinstrasse mitten durch das weitläufige Weinanbaugebiet im Elsass und die vielen Burgen und Schlösser wie Haut Koenigsburg, Beaufort und Vianden in Luxemburg und schlussendlich die Bergregion Ardennen und die Nordseeküste in Belgien. |
Bike Journeys
, submitted 15 February 2010 For me this is the fifth year of touring and the fourth for my wife. Our site is about the cycle tours we've made through Europe. We've cycled trough nine countries so far (some several times) and hope to visit the rest in the years to come. Enjoy! |
Europe on two wheels - From Holland to Sicily and back
tour started July 2009, submitted 12 December 2009 language: en, nl
For the tenth year in a row I am doing a medium to large cycling trip. This time I will be staying in Europe. The idea is to cycle through Germany and Austria to southern Italy and Sicily and to cycle back home over Sardinia, Corsica, France and Belgium. An overall estimate shows me that it will be around six thousand to seven thousand kilometers to fully realise the plan. |
Travel By Bike - Fietsen over Europa's mooiste wegen
, submitted 14 September 2009 Europe: Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK
language: nl
Travel By Bike is a website about a group of enthusiastic bikers with more than 10 years of travel experience. From Belgium through The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom. Do not forget look at to the page 'pregnant on bike', reading our travel stories and watching the beautiful pictures! |
Round the World and other Tours
tour started 2007, submitted 18 August 2007 Europe, Asia, Australia, America, Africa: England, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Egypt, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, USA, Portugal, Spain
Read about my adventures by bicycle around the world,taking in Europe, the Near East, India, South East Asia, Australasia, and the USA on Route 66. For something a little less ambitious, I have prepared details of a three-week tour of the beautiful landscapes of central Portugal. Or if you prefer a central base and some day rides, read about my routes on the Spanish island of Mallorca - a cyclist's paradise, with warm weather, flat hinterland, stunning mountain climbs, and huge ice-creams! |
Cycling the Benelux
tour started 2007, submitted 12 May 2007 In spring 2007 we cycled Belgium on our new bicycles. In fact we cycled 550 km of the Benelux (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg). The sun was shining we've got a week off so we got our gear and cycled away. On my webspace you'll find a description of the route and a few pictures of the trip to tell the story. Enjoy! |
The Totally Knackered Tour - Across Europe and Central Asia
tour started March 2006, submitted 26 September 2006 Europe, Asia: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan
In March of 2006 we set out to cycle from the UK to Tibet. We didn't quite make it but had a great adventure cycling across Europe in one of the wettest winters on record and then through the wilds of Central Asia. The site includes lots of images from Tajikistan one of the really countries for cycling. |
tour started March 2005, submitted 17 November 2005 language: nl
We are 2 18 year old students. We made a tour across Europe from Holland to Sweden and Great Britain. After this we took the boat to Holland and set off to the south of Portugal. In the spring (2006) we are going to make a trip from Anataly Turkey to Holland. |
A trip through Northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany
tour started 2002 I am a child of 67 summers who enjoys cycle touring. My ride is a 1999 Litespeed Blue Ridge fitted with 46-36-24 chainrings and 12-25 cluster. I have largely abandoned camping, and use small hotels and restaurants. I carry a [credit] card, a set of bike clothes (shorts, jersey, shoes with Frog cleats, helmet, tights, a capilene long sleeve shirt and Gore-Tex jacket) and a set of dinner clothes (running shoes, nylon long pants and shirt and a polypro sweater). A small bottle of CampSuds for the evening clothes wash keeps me social. Rear panniers (now with rain covers) carry the clothes and a handlebar bag carries maps and camera. All together bike plus gear comes to about 35 lbs. |
Julien & Titus' Cycling Trip, 12195km in Europe
tour started March 2001 Europe: France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, Greece
[Titus is the bike] - 12195 km in 8 months through France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy and Greece - includes travelogue and many fine pictures I've travelled quite a bit through the years, hiking on foot, by car, bus, plane... But cycling is just the right speed. Fast enough to actually get someplace, yet slow enough to smell the flowers as you go... Plus, it's the only mode of transportation where the engine actually improves with usage... Anyways, a friend lent me this book about a couple who spent a couple of years cycling around the world and I thought to myself that I wanted to do that ! So, off I went ! Well, I didn't quite make it... After 8 months on the road, I came back... Mostly due to homesickness, but I should have expected that, particularly on a solo trip... Mid-morning after leaving Santillana [in Northern Spain], I take a break after a long cycle uphill and watch the progress of this little fellow... That's exactly how I felt... slow... but steady! |
Ord's Bike Guide to Europe
tour started 1998 Europe: Austria, CzechRepublic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Holland, Morocco, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland
From Glenn and Sheila Ord's Home Page: On the Road to Nowhere - Nowhere is the Place. With an emphasis on budget travelling - Our experiences and advice for cycling in Europe. This guide is entirely based on our 7 1/2 months (12,000 km) in 1998 across (and back) Europe: staying almost entirely in campgrounds (185 tent nights). This was supplemented by our time in Italy (April-May 1999). |
Archivio salite d'Europa/European climbs
Europe: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, CzechRepublic, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, UK, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Romania, SanMarino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary
language: it, de, fr, en
Tabular data and altitude profiles of mountain passes all over Europe. |
Cycling from the Baltic Sea to the Alps
language: en, de, se
From the cycling pages of Karl Brodowsky: see the German Version for plenty of interesting reports in German. |
Fahrrad Reisen / Bicycle Touring
, submitted 13 June 2010 Europe, America: France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Ecuador, Slovakia, CzechRepublic, Hungary, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Luxembourg, Ireland
language: de, en
Travelogues, trip reports and travel photography: Crossing the Rocky Mountains in Canada and the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in Mexico, along the Mediterranean coast of Italy, France and Spain, bike tour to ancient Greece and Turkey, Island hopping in Mallorca, Corsica and Crete, Trans Alps Bike Tour Reiseberichte und Tourenberichte von Fahrrad Reisen durch die Rocky Mountains in Kanada und die Sierra Madre in Mexiko, entlang der Mittelmeer Küste von Italien, Frankreich und Spanien, Veloreise bis Griechenland und die Türkei, klassischer Donau-Radweg und Elbe-Radweg, Radtouren auf den Inseln Mallorca, Korsika und Kreta, Trans Alps Bike Tour. |
Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, UK
language: de
A massive travel site, this guy has been everywhere. Hier finden sich einige deutschsprachige Reiseberichte von Fahrradtouren, die hoffentlich unterhaltsam und informativ sind, aber auch vielleicht die eine oder andere Anregung für Leute geben, die selber einmal so etwas machen wollen. Für englischsprachige Radtourenberichte habe ich hier auch einen Anfang gemacht, ebenso für schwedischsprachige Radtourenberichte, wobei noch ein bißchen auf norwegisch und dänisch dabei ist, aber diese drei skaninavischen Sprachen sind so ähnlich, daß man entweder alle drei ein bißchen lesen kann oder eben keine davon. |
The Twizi hostel directory - the cheapest places to stay on the planet
, submitted 6 January 2007 Europe, Asia, America: Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, NewZealand, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela
[The author travels around the world and reviews hostels, and has built up a large hostel directory.] What are hostels? The quickest answer I can give to you is that hostels are budget accommodations where you share a room with other travelers. To be more specific though and to give you a better idea of what to expect I will say that a hostel room is like a hotel room but instead of being just one bed there are a couple (or a few) bunk beds. There are also (gasp!) other people. People you do not know! These other people are travelers who are most likely very much like you in the sense that they are exploring and traveling and doing it as absolutely cheaply as possible. Hostels have been around a long long time. There are over 20,000 of them around the world. Hostels are very much a part of the culture of Europe, and are starting to be known in the USA as well. Hostels are a cheaper way of staying in a city where you do not live. |