This page was last updated Mo 23 September 2024.
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This page lists all reports that for Europe including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Europe.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.
Sardinia by bike
tour started April 2010, submitted 9 March 2011 Europe: Italy
language: Catalan
With point of departure and arrival in Porto Torres, a travel through northern half of the island of Sardinia. |
PinzanetOnBike - CicloViaggi in Biciletta
, submitted 3 March 2011 Europe
language: it
Si definisce Cicloviaggiatore un individuo che effettua viaggi in bicicletta di più giorni consecutivi e che trasporta se stesso e tutto il materiale che gli occorre su una bicicletta. Tale Cicloviaggiatore non organizza il proprio viaggio prevedendo l‚impiego di mezzi di supporto che trasportino per lui i materiali o ne gestiscano la logistica dell‚intero viaggio o di parte di esso. Il Cicloviaggiatore viaggia in bicicletta in maniera indipendente, da solo o in gruppo, ma non aggregato al seguito di una organizzazione commerciale. Il Cicloviaggiatore non organizza a scopi commerciali il viaggio di altri Cicloviaggiatori. Il Cicloviaggiatore è attento agli aspetti del territorio che attraversa, culturali e naturalistici, riconoscendo nel cicloviaggio uno strumento di crescita interiore e conoscenza della realtà che lo circonda. ..omissis.. ''Si definisce Cicloviaggiare quanto è compiuto da un Cicloviaggiatore'' |
Ciclosinfonia nella terra di Antoni Salieri
tour started October 2010, submitted 24 February 2011 Europe: Italy
language: it
Il percorso porta a scoprire la cosiddetta Bassa Veronese con il suo fascino discreto e melanconico. Richiama il rapporto fra uomo, terra ed acqua che da sempre convivono. Lontano dai grandi centri del traffico, la natura si offre al visitatore lento, colorata in primavera, sonnacchiosa nell'afa estiva, avvolta nei colori sgargianti dell'autunno, sfumata e fiabesca tra le nebbie e le galaverne invernali. Percorso facile tutto in pianura, in parte sterrato, ma con fondo in buone condizioni. |
Fahrradweltreise ''Reise zum Horizont''
tour started March 2009, submitted 22 February 2011 Europe, Asia, Australia, America: Germany, CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, NewZealand, Chile, Argentina
language: de, en, es
Die Reise zum Horizont war ein Traum, eine verrueckte Idee. Heute ist sie Wirklichkeit, eine bewusste Entscheidung, eine Weltreise mit dem Fahrrad. Am 15. Maerz 2009 in Oldenburg (Deutschland) gestartet, ist das Ziel die ''weite'' Welt. Mit dem Anspruch, den Weg weitgehend mit dem Fahrrad zurueckzulegen, ist es ein Erfahren fremder Laender und Kulturen, auch bzw. besonders jenseits klassischer Touristenziele. |
Cycle touring, observing waterways, railways and tramways
tour started April 2010, submitted 11 February 2011 Europe: UK
From my base in Manchester I made two cycle tours, one to North Wales and one into the Pennines. The purpose of these cycle tours was, besides the recreational effect, to explore historical objects on rails and water. |
Cycling through & the East
tour started August 2008, submitted 10 February 2011 Europe: Iceland
It was supposed to ride the F910. We dreamed for months to push the bikes through the black desert north of Vatnajökull. Unfortunately something went wrong... |
Part 3: From Trondheim to Larvik. National Cycle Route 9 and the NSCR.
tour started August 2008, submitted 10 February 2011 Europe: Norway
Excerpt from Day 25: Græsli to Røroswildlife. We noticed some curious things about reindeer. Firstly although there was nothing to stop the reindeer from walking off the road and onto the tundra it chose to stay on the road. As it moved along the road its legs looked like (Damae's term) egg beaters all flailing in different directions. It looked like an unfeasibly ungainly animal that was testing the limits of Darwin's theory. However, even more suprisingly, once it finally found its way to the rough undulating tundra it moved with astonishing ease and grace. The head and body just seemed to glide across the landscape on top of those big hooves. National Cycle Route 9 was an unknown quantity for us in 2008. There were no travelogues to be found of the whole route, nor any guide books. Armed with some home made maps we set off, boldly, from Trondheim. It was another route of contrasts, from the majestic to the banal with some surprises along the way, including a long ferry down Lake Femund. The travelogue contains the story of each day's cycle with pictures and videos, a gallery, route and map information and trip statistics. |
Part 2: From Florø to Trondheim - National Cycle Route 1
tour started August 2008, submitted 10 February 2011 Europe: Norway
Excerpt from Day 12: Florø to Barmen - getting going All was quiet when we awoke. There was no sign of the Polish tradesmen nor their vans and we hadn't heard them leave. The sun was shining and the tent covered in dew. It was going to be another lovely day. It was also just a little exciting to be back to the coast of Norway and a part of it we'd not been to yet. We realised too that now we were following the coast our rate of progress would be determined not just by how much energy we had. For instead of following river valleys we were now cutting across the ends of fjords and hopping from island to peninsula and back which meant we would be at the mercy of ferry timetables. The coast route, part of which forms the NSCR in Southern Norway, carries on past Bergen. We chose to follow it up to Trondheim and were treated each day to beautiful scenery, skies and some special places. Not to mention some challenging cycling. The travelogue contains the story of each day's cycle with pictures and videos, a gallery, route and map information and trip statistics. |
Part 1: From Kristiansand to Florø - National Cycle Route 3
tour started July 2008, submitted 10 February 2011 Europe: Norway
Excerpt from Day 5: Haukeli to Røldal - going over Vågslid tunnel. Looking at the old road we briefly entertained the idea of staying on the main road and cycling through the tunnel. The old road in contrast climbed sharply so it was tempting to take the main road. However we were following the route 3 so it was now time for a real challenge. After packing in and gathering our energies that is exactly what we got. The further we climbed the more our muscles protested, our heart rates soared and the sound of the main road waned until it was no longer to be heard. It was the challenge of being a cyclist once more, alone in a landscape just you and the hill: the sound of your breath, the wind and the noise of the bike underneath you. National Cycle Route 3 is a challenging and rewarding route, with several major climbs and varied landscape. We followed it to Førde where we headed out to Florø on the coast to start part two of the trip. The travelogue contains the story of each day's cycle with pictures, a gallery, route and map information and trip statistics. |
Colli Euganei: una lunga ciclabile
tour started November 2010, submitted 4 February 2011 Europe: Italy
language: it
E come foglia cadente sospinta dal vento e che troverà dimora dopo lento girovagare, così senza meta può essere anche l'incontro della bicicletta con questo territorio. Di qua o di là, sul piano o sul pendio, in discesa o lungo il fiume, liberamente il cicloturista, trova emozioni nel lento procedere. La bicicletta disegna le sue evoluzioni e lungo il fluire delle linee, le ruote incrociano i liberi pensieri. |
Norway 2010
tour started July 2010, submitted 27 January 2011 Europe: Norway
language: fr
I wanted to see the midnight sun... and I saw it :-) Without forgetting some fantastic landscapes, exhausting roads... and a little rain :-( |
Portugal: Lisboa to Porto
tour started October 2010, submitted 19 January 2011 Europe: Portugal
language: en, de, fr
We cycled from Lisboa to Porto! Great weather, nice beaches and intresting citys! |
Iceland offroad by bike
tour started June 2010, submitted 19 January 2011 Europe: Iceland
language: en, de, fr
Wir fuhren offroad über das Hochland von Island, die Kjölur Route und einen Teil der Ringstrasse. Viel Spass beim lesen ... |
France Sea to Sea ('Manche to Med')
tour started May 2008, submitted 18 January 2011 Europe: France
A superb eleven day, 1040 km route from the Channel port of Caen in Normandy to the Mediterranean near Montpellier - passing through many of the classic landscapes of France including the Loire Valley; Dordogne, Lot and Tarn gorges; and the Cervennes. Summary route details and distances, hotel addresses, equipment list and photos all included in the report. |
Around the Pond: 5000km on the North Sea Cycle Route on a Recumbent
tour started June 2008, submitted 11 January 2011 In 2008 I spend 3 months cycling the North Sea Cycle Route on a recumbent bike through Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Scotland and the Netherlands. This is a day-by-day travelogue, with zoomable maps. |
Two month across West Europe on recumbent bikes
tour started June 2010, submitted 4 January 2011 language: de, en, fr, it, es
We are two guys from Germany, who travelled across West Europe for two months. With our Performer High Racers, we came through nine European countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherland) and crossed both the Pyrenees and the Alps two times each. After 9000 km we finished our tour in August and now we have completed our web page with detailed information for each stage and thousands of photos. The page is in German but offers a integrated translation service. |
Provence and Languedoc Tour, 2009
tour started May 2009, submitted 2 January 2011 Europe: France
I had long dreamed of visiting France, of seeing the southern countryside, eating what I imagined to be totally delicious food, and experiencing ancient and medieval art and architecture. I had longed to know something of an older culture than ours in Massachusetts. New England is old in the United States, but very young in the world. When I turned 60 I decided to do it, to finally visit France, and when there to travel on a cycle. I had ridden in the 1970s, but gave my Fuji ten-speed away long ago. I hadn't been on a bike since about 1980, but in August 2007, on a whim, bought a new bike and a year later rode it solo around Lake Champlain in Vermont. My husband wanted to go with me to France, so in May 2009 we rode from Avignon, France, in a looping tour of about 500 miles, mostly very flat, visiting Roman ruins and ancient cities. It was his first cycle tour ever, and so I planned an easy trip, staying in bed and breakfasts or hotels, saving time for visiting museums and historic sites. This trip went from major city to major city, with some very beautiful riding in between. It included a ride the length of the famous Canal du Midi, running from Agde to Toulouse. We traveled from Avignon to Orange, then into the Luberon, west to Arles, south to the Camargue, west again along the Mediterranean to Sète and back inland toToulouse. The journal was written after my 2010 visit to the Cévennes in France. |
Lettonia: Da Riga a Jurmala
tour started June 2010, submitted 1 January 2011 Europe: Latvia
language: it
Quinta e ultima parte del percorso in bici di 800 km da Tallin a Riga Non è facile attraversare la città di Riga per raggiungere Jurmala. Perfino la Esterbauer (nota casa editrice delle ciclabili d'Europa), prefigura il transito sulla strada principale a quattro corsie senza alcuna protezione per le bici. E' un vero peccato che nessuna istituzione delegata al cicloturismo consideri l'opportunità di strade alternative allungando magari un po' il percorso. |
Autour des Pyrénées
tour started May 2008, submitted 19 December 2010 language: fr
Deux semaines en solo au printemps, de la Méditerrannée à l'Atlantique et retour. Les collines de Catalogne, les solitudes de l'Aragon, la pluie basque... |
Cycling in Switzerland
tour started September 2009, submitted 14 December 2010 Europe: Switzerland
Without any doubt Switzerland is a very scenic country. The lakes and the mountains are very picturesque with the sound of cow bells in the background. If you are lucky you might even hear the enormous Alpine horn! |
Cycling along the Danube
tour started September 2010, submitted 14 December 2010 The Danube is the second longest river in Europe. A well marked bicycle path (the Donau Radweg) follows the Danube from its source at Donaueschingen in Germany to Vienna in Austria. The path is easy cycling and there is plenty of accommodation at the many towns and villages en route. We started in Eglisau in Switzerland as Zurich is the closest large airport to Donaueschingen. |
Graines de pignons
tour started March 2010, submitted 8 December 2010 language: fr
Nous sommes un couple français proche de la trentaine, ayant envie de mener une vie proche des idées de la simplicité volontaire et de la décroissance (moins de biens, plus de liens). Nous avons décidé de prendre quelques mois pour voyager en vélo tout en s'arretant sur la route pour faire du volontariat dans des fermes biologiques et sur des chantiers d'écoconstruction (WWOOF). Nous avons traversé la France et l'Italie, et continuerons vers la Grèce puis la Turquie, avant de retourner en France, toujours en vélo (l'itinéraire n'est pas encore déterminé). |
Scanuppia and other Trails in the Lago di Garda Area
tour started October 2010, submitted 4 December 2010 Europe: Italy
The lake Garda is the mountain bike paradise of Europe and there are many roads that lead up into the mountains. Some of these roads are a challenge and some roads are a major challenge. And then there is one tremendous challenge: the Scanuppia, a concrete road that is leading upwards from Besenello to the small natural area of Scanuppia, which is the steepest ascent of Europe and maybe the steepest ascent of the World. Reports speak of gradients of 45 %. Whether it is possible to actually cycle there remains a mystery, yet there seem to be people who have made it. And so I would be able to do so myself, I try to convince myself. And while we are around now, we may just as well give it a try. |
Lettonia: dal confine estone a Riga
tour started June 2010, submitted 1 December 2010 Europe: Latvia
language: it
Quarta parte dell'itinerario in bicicletta di 800 km da Tallin a Riga. Da Kabli a Limbazi 95 km. Questo tratto percorre i primi 15 km in Estonia ed entra definitivamente in Lettonia. Interesse particolare di questi ultimi chilometri in terra estone è la lunga serie di spiagge. Tra il percorso in bicicletta e le spiagge, poche centinaia di metri di bosco. Tra le principali specie arboree, anche quella del pino marittimo. Campeggi e agriturismi con spiagge chiare e mare discretamente pulito, mettono a disposizione cavalli e biciclette, luoghi per pic-nic e aree per giocare. Il biglietto di addio della terra Estone, che nei pressi di Ikla segna il confine di stato, è una vecchia scritta in ferro su un muro stinto di cemento. Una linea immaginaria perché divenuta superflua e anacronistica. |
Braunau (A) to Budapest (H) - Innweg & Donauradweg
tour started August 2008, submitted 17 November 2010 Braunau am Inn to Budapest, a wonderful 900 Km tour along the Innradweg and Donauradweg in 11 days of actual riding including loops and various visits to nearby points of interest. No reservations were made in advance to leave us the freedom of choosing where to stop. I was carrying a tent in case of sold-out locations but we never used it once. Our plans to keep the daily stages in between 60 and 90 Km - except for a couple of stages - proved a perfect choice to maximize the journey. See this, stop there for a yummy bite accompanied by a sparkling apple juice (Apfelsaft gespritz), and find accommodation where deemed practical. ''Pension'' style places with a family bias are the perfect choice for their coziness, the hosts' kindness and the good food to discover for reasonable prices. Return from Budapest by train with our bikes. |
Loop through D, NL, B & L (including Moselradweg and Rheinradweg)
tour started August 2009, submitted 16 November 2010 This 1,210 Km (756 mi) tour took us along the Mosel and Rhine rivers into the Netherlands, proceeding then to Belgium and Luxembourg. I had prepared the route with the aid of official GPS tracks of the cycling paths that we wanted to follow. Without the hand-held type GPS, the journey would have required the use of a consistent number of maps resulting in countless wasted time for continuous consultation. Despite the cycling paths are generally signposted they are not present at every turn. At times we found that some were even pointing to the wrong direction - maybe some prankster had fun with them. The tracklog of our entire tour has been recorded and it's available for download. To spare the hassle of changing and recharging batteries continuously, my GPS unit was powered by a small solar station placed atop the handlebar bag. Precious and amazing satellite technology that sadly turns paper maps into romantic memories, it's a luxury I came to love quite quickly. |
The Lonely Cyclist in the Pyrenees
tour started July 2010, submitted 15 November 2010 language: en, nl
From my home in Holland I have cycled over the Normandy Coast, the Loire Valley and the Auvergne and Cantal regions to Spain for a double coast to coast ride through the Pyrenees. First from east to west through the Spanish Pyrenees. Then from west to east through the French Pyrenees. This journey includes all the famous cols from the Tour de France but also some nice unpaved cycling routes in the Pyrenees. |
Estonia: da Koguva al confine Lettone
tour started June 2010, submitted 10 November 2010 Europe: Estonia
language: it
Da Koguva a Parnu 120 km. Il tratto di 10 chilometri che da Koguva raggiunge il traghetto a Kuivastu è l'unica strada praticabile. Anche Ostseekusten Baltikum prevede questo tratto pur se con traffico. Il traffico si intensifica negli orari in cui il traghetto arriva o parte. In quei pochi minuti di sosta in cui vengono scaricati e imbarcati i veicoli, questi partono formando temporaneo traffico. Pochi minuti dopo la strada ritorna deserta. Per qualche tratto una linea sull'asfalto divide la circolazione auto dalle bici, ma comunque non sussiste pericolo. |
Swiss Alpine passes with an E-Bike, Sept./Oct.2010
tour started September 2010, submitted 7 November 2010 Europe: Switzerland
language: en, de, nl
I want to find out if I can surmount higher passes with my e-bike as the passes I made in Corsica last May. Therefore, I cycle a few passes in the Swiss Alps on some beautiful days in September/October. |
Cycling Corsica
tour started May 2010, submitted 7 November 2010 Europe: France
language: en;, nl
Impressions from our cycling trip on the beautiful isle of Corsica in May/June 2010. We cycled around 800 kilometers from Bastia along the coast to Calvi and Porto and then through the inner highlands to Corte and back to Bastia. You can watch our video-report! For more information you can visit our website: |
Etsch Valley Bike Path - South Tyrol
tour started September 2010, submitted 6 November 2010 Europe: Italy
The last tour of the season - that is if the weather cooperates. The plan is as simple as it is elegant. We take the train from Munich to Landeck in Austria. From there it is a short bus ride to Nauders near the top of the Reschen Pass and the border to Italy. That saves riding in unpleasant traffic, not to mention a hefty climb! From Reschen in South Tyrol it's downhill (almost) all the way. |
Starting at the End of the World
tour started 2010, submitted 4 November 2010 Europe: France
An all-day train ride takes us from Munich to Morlaix in Brittany via Paris. The train from Paris to Morlaix doesn't take bicycles and we are again happy to have folders. Our tour starts with an abundance of rain and hills as we follow Brittany's spectacular southern coast to the Loire. From here we cycle the popular - and flat - Loire Valley Bike Path into Burgundy where the scenery gets more interesting as we ride along the Canal du Centre and Saone River. After having covered approximately 1,500 km we take the train from Dijon back to Munich. |
A Bike Journey - London to Melbourne
tour started May 2010, submitted 3 November 2010 Europe, Asia, Australia: UK, France, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia
language: en, de
A Bike Journey follows our bicycle travels between London and Melbourne. Having lived in the UK for 6 years, we are now moving Down Under and have decided to go by bike! We left London in May 2010 and have so far cycled through Europe, Turkey and Iran. We are planning to continue our journey through India, South East Asia and Australia. We hope you enjoy following our tour. |
Budapest to Corfu 2010 - Over the Balkans
tour started June 2010, submitted 27 October 2010 The Budapest to Corfu route was planned to be as diverse as we could get it. A mixture of terrain, landscape and seascape. Throw a variety of cultures into the mix and an ''off the beaten track'' feel to the trip and the result is a recipe for enjoyment. To get us warmed up a nice, we had a comfortable flat section in Hungary. This was followed up by a gradual climb up the River Drina into the heart of the Balkans. The big climbs started after Bajina Basta in Serbia and continued until Kolasin, a ski resort in Montenegro. A 40 mile drop off the western edge of the Balkans was enjoyed into Podgorica, the Montenegrin capital. A very picturesque section follows, to the south side of Lake Skadarsko. It is a single track road containing big steep climbs along a mountainside with fantastic views over the lake to Albania. The route then follows the Albanian coastline down to Sarande and over to Corfu. The section after Vlore is very quiet, taking in the Logara Pass. Himare is a great stop over being a nice little resort which is unspoilt for now. Sarande is much bigger but still has it's plus points. The spare slack at the end of the tour was put to good use on Corfu. |
CORSE TOUR ----> Cycling hanged over the sea
tour started September 2010, submitted 24 October 2010 Europe: France
We are Anna & Maurizio and We cycled Corse above the sea following some narrow road carved on the rock as ''Route Departementale'' 81, 81a, 80 that represent some of the most scenic paths a cyclist may hope to find. Spectacular views of the West Coast and Cape Corse. And at the end of the holiday We went in Provence and We summited Mont Ventoux. |
Cévennes: Solo Cycling
tour started May 2010, submitted 22 October 2010 Europe: France
This is a description of my nine-day solo trip, in May 2010, in the Cévennes mountains of France. The trip was mostly camping, but no cooking. My goal was to see the Cévennes, mountains full of history and culture, their geography older than the Alps or Pyrenees. There was a good mix of climbing, mountains, medieval towns, villages, rivers ... always gorgeous and fun riding, but not a very high mileage. I wanted to learn something of the area, its culture and history, without being totally exhausted. In all it was about 300 miles, about 14,000 feet of climbing. I rode from Montpellier to Albi, with a loop up the Gorge du Tarn and down the Gorge du Jonte. |
Isole dell'Estonia-Hiiumaa, Saaremaa, Muhu
tour started June 2010, submitted 20 October 2010 Europe: Estonia
language: it
Seconda parte del ciclotour da Tallin a Riga Dal traghetto si avvicina una terra senza nessuna costruzione, solo verde di alberi, alti slanciati, fitti, regolari: Hiumaa l'isola incontaminata. Una scoperta che mette serenità e paura nello stesso tempo. Solo tu, la bicicletta e il bosco. La strada senza traffico che porta verso Kardla, capitale dell'isola, transita prima da Puhalepa, dove la chiesetta del XIII sec. mostra il singolare pulpito in pietra, poi dal paesino di Surremoisa, dove una villa sembra quasi un castello. Si percorre la ciclabile denominata Eurovelo 1. I 30 km che dividono ancora da Kardla (arrivo di questa prima giornata iniziata con il trasporto in bus delle bici fino al traghetto ad Haapsalu) sono tutti in mezzo ad una foresta di abeti e larici. La ciclabile è una stretta linea laterale a fianco della carreggiata. La pioggia che scende da quando il traghetto ha raggiunto l'isola, favorisce l'andatura sostenuta facendo passare quasi inosservato l'intatto paesaggio di questo tragitto. Nota di colore ! sono i variopinti sacchetti di nylon a protezione dei nostri calzari. |
Bicycle tour to the North of the Austrian 'forest quarter' (Waldviertel)
tour started October 2010, submitted 20 October 2010 Europe: Austria
Extremly good weather called us to another late fall tour. By train to Retz and further with the 'Reblausexpress' to Drosendorf. Starting late, upon arrival at Drosendorf, we have been heading for Karlstein, whereas we had our lunch. Then we have been riding to Waidhofen an der Thaya. A hidden beauty... Continuing to Zwettel, were we had our night. Zwettel a 'silent' city. Day distance 90 kilometers only. The next morning has been frosty... As nice Zwettel was for a stay, to leave is strange: just high frequent highways The good thing: we hit the Kamptal dam in fall - a wonderful landscape picture has been our award! We have been heading for Krems. Luch at Senftenberg. At Krems we found access to the well known Danube valley bike path. We followed this way down to the suburbs of Vienna. Last stop: Greifenstein (whereas we have been entering the train again...). This days distance: 122 kilometers. Enjoy the pictures! Good luck to all the followers! |
Bicycle tour to the 'smallest city' in Austria
tour started October 2010, submitted 20 October 2010 Europe: Austria
A tour to the North Country... (were the winds hit hard the border line...) Hardegg, known as Austria's 'smallest city', was worth to go... I believe, we have been lucky catching the very late end of summer... The tour leads us to the North border (Czech) - only a pedistrian bridge is open for traffic. A romantic side way leaded us to Ciszov. There was a monument seen: The last piece of the 'Iron curtain' - see pictures. Thanks god this time has passed. We had a wonderful lunch at the city of Znojmo. Then, after, some good Czech beer, we travelled home (by bicycle of course) on sideways to Retz. To early to enter the next train back to Vienna... So, we followed the road to Hollabrunn and in the next Minute we caught at a train to our home, Brunn am Gebirge Overall distance of our day ride: 80 kilometers Enjoy the pictures! Good luck to all the followers! |
tour started August 2010, submitted 18 October 2010 5 days bicycle tour across the alps:
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